TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你平常使用因特网时,它提供的信息能满足你想要的吗?举例说明。
回答: In most of time, the information from internet is satsified. When I want to see a moive in a new cinema which I don't know how to get there, just typing the name of the cinema in the google, I can find the traffic information.
2. 有没有信息过多的情况?这会给你带来什么麻烦?
回答: Sure, sometimes access so much information creates problems. It may be hard to find the valuable things in the sea of webside. And this will make lies spread more easily which means you can't not figure it out that which message is true. For example, Ms.Lee, my neighbour, want to fix her broken refrigertor and she dno't know how to find some experts. So she type the words "fix refrigertor" in Baidu, Chinese google. Then she decided to contact one of the list. However, she found that the man she was calling to is a cheater
3. 你认为因特网上的信息应该改变一下风格吗?怎么改?为什么?
回答: It should make some change. More useful information and less cheaters
As the internet become available to everyone, huge information has impacted our life. Sometimes, when we are surfing the internet, we will get lost in such a huge world, just like you are in a crossroad, hesitating for making a choice. Despite some small problems like that, the internet has brought us enormous valuable information, making our life convenience and full of colors.
In the past, people travelled around the word, exploring mysterious new world, enjoying the colorful and fascinating nature. But today, with the internet, just staying at home, people can learn the whole world and witness all kinds of miracles or great moments. Just like in 2001,through internet, so many Chinese witnessed the Beijing's success in applying for holding the 2008 Olympic Games. Thanks for the internet, in such a great moment, we Chinese people were all together.
What's more, the internet accelerates the development of techniques because it is a powerful bridge of communicating. Almost all kinds of papers or scientific publishes can be found with Google or other search engines, and email, MSN make it possible to talk to anyone who can use the internet. For a scientist or engineer, therefore, with these tools he can work with a great deal of genius together and then the new techniques will be more easily to be invented.
Admittedly, there are always some useless or fake information which make us hesitated or even be in danger. For example, Mr. Lee, one of my neighborhoods, wanted to by a microwave oven from the internet. Attracting by a fake advertisement which said 90% off, he paid 100 Yuan for a fake machine which exploded after the first use. However, with a little care, how can a commonsense person with a cleared head be deceived by such a stupid advertisement because 100 Yuan cannot even afford a main machine element. As people keep a weather eye, these troubles will be greatly reduced.
All in all, although sometimes so much information creates problems, since they can be prevented. It's not a big deal contrasting to enormous valuable information it can provide.
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