GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请分别列举在某领域中来自专家和非专家的两个判断,并简述这些判断被事实检验后的结果。
回答: 非专家:消费者称不上是服务行业的专家,但是消费者提出的建议对于服务水平的提高是很有用的。 曾经有一个孩子刚满一岁的孩子母亲到一家纸制品担任打杂工作。这位母亲虽然对销售和产品开发没有研究,但是她提出的对尿布的改良意见却使这家公司多了上百万美元的收入。 专家:日本有这样一个综艺节目:帮人们改造房屋。这不只是装修上的改造,而是房屋结构上的改造。改造之前不适宜居住的房屋按空间利用专家指点进行改造之后,变得更加安全舒适。
2. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些优势?请举例并简述。
回答: 专家对某行业有深刻的了解,对问题的分析可能更全面和透彻。 比如说我们的合法权益受到侵犯,虽然我们可已选择自己为自己辩护,但绝大多数情况下,我们还是回去找律师。原因很简单,因为律师比当事人更懂得如何打一场官司。他可以比我们更全面的分析法庭上的各种有利和不利因素,并为我们在法庭上争取到最大的利益。
3. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 专家因为太熟悉某领域,看问题时可能有一定的思维定式,不一定能看到问题的全部 比如说,联合利华引进了一条香皂包装生产线,结果发现这条生产线有个缺陷:常常会有盒子里没装入香皂。他们请了一个学自动化的博士后设计一个方案来分拣空的香皂盒。博士后拉起了一个十几人的科研攻关小组,综合采用了机械、微电子、自动化、X射线探测等技术,花了几十万,成功解决了问题。每当生产线上有空香皂盒通过,两旁的探测器会检测到,并且驱动一只机械手把空皂盒推走。 中国南方有个乡镇企业也买了同样的生产线,老板发现这个问题后大为发火,找了个小工来说:“你他妈给老子把这个搞定,不然你给老子爬走。” 小工很快想出了办法:他花了90块钱在生产线旁边放了一台大功率电风扇猛吹,于是空皂盒都被吹走了。
4. 仅相信专家的判断力对某一个领域的发展有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 好处:因为专家毕竟有多年经验,所以他们大多数时候对问题的分析都是很透彻的。相信他们的分析可以为我们的工作节省很多时间。 坏处:专家的判断也不一定是对的,盲目地相信专家可能造成错误。同时一味的依赖专家判断也可能在成我们思维懒惰,不愿意自己思索,不愿意创新。
Judgements of work given by experts in that field are very helpful when dealing with problems.However, is it true that the advices and critics from the inexpert are meaningless,as the speaker suggests.I do not think so .I believe opions from the inexperts and nonprofessional are also important and ideas should be valued for their on sake not for from who their given.
First of all, there is no need to be a expert to give valuable judgements.The advices from an inexpert can also be of great help when solving a problems.There  was a Japanese woman who is the mother of a one year old and served as a in a children goods company.She has no expertise in developing children products,however,her advices on the company's commodities boost its sales for 50% and saved the company from the edge of bankcrupcy.
Secondly,though the afluent experiences of expertise enable them to solve problem more quickly,the experience sometimes restict people from creative thinking.Unilever used to have a problem with their soap production lines: the machine sometimes fails to put soaps into boxes,leaving their final product mixed with empty boxes.The company hire a eletronical engineer with a post doctor degree and the engineer solved the problem by spending a thousands of dollars building a testing system to remove empty boxes,while a high-school graduate young man in a small soap manufacture solved the same problem by spending no more than 20 dollas to buy a big fan that simply blows empty boxes away.Experts do solve problems,but not necessarily the best way.
However,there is no denial that professional advices and judgement benefit people a lot.Exports' judgements save people many time wondering what is the right thing to do.For example,though citizens are allowed to defend themselves by their own in court,most of the people have lawyers to fight for their best before the judge,because lawyers are experts in laws and know better than normal people how to win an lawsuit. 
To put it simple,people should to judge an idea or critics by whether the idea is the one that will work best and whether the critics is true,not whether it is given by an authority.
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