TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
1. 你家里或是身边的老人现在的年龄,健康状况如何?
回答: 都挺健康的,即使得了病,也能得到有效的治疗。
2. 以前人们普遍短寿的原因是什么?
回答: 生病,战争,灾难
3. 现在的各方面条件能很好的满足人们需求,让他们活得更久吗?体现在哪些方面?
回答: 现在的医疗水平很高。 现在防控天灾的技术越来越好。 现在的世界总体趋于和平。
4. 人们长寿是自身身体素质的加强,还是个人之外的原因决定的?都有哪些?
回答: 既有人们自身的原因,也有之外的原因。自身的原因是生活水平越来越高,营养越来越好。
5. 我国对国民整体的健康状况有没有什么相关政策?
It is no wonder that people are living longer now. And the reasons are come from many aspects. In general, people are living longer because of the nutrition, development of medicine and decrease of accidental death.
First of all, people are having a more and more nutritious lives which help themselves have a more heathy and strong body. And a more heathy and strong body prone to have a longer life. For example, people can not only have eggs and meat in their everyday food but also have vegetables which can help them have a balance nutrition. Moreover, countries also have rules about maintaining people's health. For example, our country rules that elementary schools have to hire nutritionist who can direct students how to acquire a more healthy body. Therefore, people's longer lives come from the more healthy and better lives which can provide them enough nutrition.
Moreover, the development of medicine also contribute to the longer lives of people. As the developing of medicine, doctor can deal with many disease which did not have measure to cure in the past. Researchers can find the reason of disease and give the medicine to doctors. Doctors can distinguish which kind of disease people get and give the correct medicine to cure the disease. The development of medicine avoids a huge lose of people because of lacking of timely treatment. Thus, people's longer lives also derive from the development of medicine.
Finally, people's longer lives can also be ascribed to the decrease of accidental death. People have a peaceful world. And people need not to go to war which can cause a huge death. Additionally, the development of technology make people can predict many disasters which may take many lives. For example, people can find the path of hurricane and alarm people to circumvent hurricane. And people can also predict many earthqueake and save lots lives. Therefore, the decrease of accidental death help people have a longer lives in general.
All in all, people are living longer now because of increase of nutrition, development of medicine and the decrease of accidental death.
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