GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:周新权
When old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served"。题目可以从两个角度进行阐述:一是历史建筑物对于社会来说是否有价值,二是是否应该为了满足现代的需求而破坏或拆除建筑物,即使它们对于记录社会的历史来说是有价值的。可以考虑历史建筑对社会,对人类文化等的作用,也可以考虑现代设施发展对经济、文化的贡献。
1. 描述一个为了保护历史建筑而放弃了现代需求的实例,并阐述这样做的理由,以及这样做带来了什么好处和弊端。
回答: 北京禁止拆除四合院来建造新的楼房,为了保存北京古城的气息,留住老北京的风貌,保留圆明园 好处:今天依然能够看到原汁原味的老北京,感受历史和文化的气息,也是北京的一大特点,历史建筑还有警醒现在的人的作用 弊端:土地利用率不高
2. 描述一个为了现代需求而对历史建筑进行破坏的实例,并阐述这样做的理由,以及这样做带来了什么好处和弊端。
回答: 中国对古城墙的破坏,对很多古镇的改造 ,好处:城市扩张了,人们生活得更加现代化,经济得到发展 弊端: 对古典建筑的破话是不可逆的,一旦破坏了无法恢复,破坏了历史的足迹,损失了文化象征
3. 历史建筑的价值会体现在哪些方面?是不是所有的历史建筑都有价值?如果不是,什么样的历史建筑是没有价值的?请举例说明。
回答: 观赏价值,研究价值,文化价值,经济价值
4. 保存历史建筑会付出什么代价?请举例说明。
回答: 维护费用,阻止了一定的经济发展
5. 为了现代需求而拆除和破坏一些历史建筑会带来什么好处?需要付出什么代价?请举例说明。
回答: 建造新的大楼,提高土地利用率,解决人口增长所来的住房压力,或是发展商业,促进经济发展
6. 历史建筑的价值是否会因为社会发展和时代的变化而产生变化?这种变化是否和社会价值观有关系?如果有,请具体阐述并举例说明。
Some people  hold the idea that the history buildings should give the way to modern development for better use while others hold the opposite view. In response to this issue, we need to analyse the proposition comprehensively from the dialectic perspective, investigating the nature of the histroy buildings by critical thinking. The final judgement, in my point of view, should depend on a case-by-case anlysis.
Firstly, without talking about whether old buildings should be replaced for modern development, it is the matter of fact that many countries are making every effort to preserve a number of history constructions, especially in China. Let's take the example of Beijing. As a big city with long histroy being capital of several dynasties  including Ming and Qing dynasty, Beijing has a lot of old buidings throughout the city, some even locate in the center of the city just beside the national goverment. Sihe courtyard, a kind of house that many old local people share to live in, are protected very well instead of being damaged to build new buildings. Another example is Yuan Ming Palace, the most costly and magnificent palace in the world at that time but destroyed by the  invaders around 1900. Although there left only some vestiges and ruins in the extant place, the Chinese goverment still preseve it without doubt. Furthermore, European ancient castles are the same case indicating that the whole world tend to maintain the  old buidings for some purpose.
Therefore, histroy buildings clearly have some meaningful values. To be specific, a city is an animated person, having past and stories, stands in the world. The old architectures provide vivid proofs and concrete scenes for persons to see and feel its existence while the words and pictures cannot. As I mentioned above, for those who want to experience the local customs as well as the history and culture of Beijing, the Siheyuan (quadrangle) is an indispensible part of a visit as unique Beijing architectural structures. Simultaneously, histroy construtions can also serve for tourism. In other word, they have significantly potential ecomical values with attracting lots of tourists to visit the city meanwhile improving the popularity and reputation of the city. Ultimately, the old building are some important evidences and clues available to historians and archaeologists  for academic purpose.
However, we should concede that despite the merits of ancient buildings mentioned above, we have to pay much for the maintainence
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