TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:宋朝攀
【IBT机经-33】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should work quickly and risk making mistakes or should work slowly and make sure that everything is correct?
1. 什么样的工作强调速度和效率?为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 现代社会竞争异常激烈,在企业中如果员工低效率,导致产品价格高 企业的产品在市场上就没有竞争力。公务员如果低效率服务,就会耽误社会各项事业的发展,人们不满意,投诉或者投票。
2. 请结合具体事例说明哪些工作不允许犯错?错误会导致什么结果?
回答: 医生犯错导致病人疾病加重,建筑师和工人犯错导致楼房日后出现问题造成灾难。飞行员如果犯错 机毁人亡。
3. 工作中什么样的错误是可以被原谅的?请结合实际简述。
回答: 上班迟到 拼写错误 发错邮件 这些都是不重要的或者可以挽回的
4. 什么样的工作强调准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 设计与计算 比如工程师和设计师造火箭和航天飞船,医生在手术中需要准确切除病灶或者缝合 建筑师应该合理设计建筑的结构 工人应该小心建造每一个角落。
5. 请结合实际简述,你认为正确的工作方式是什么?
In modern society, there is a famous saying that time is money, which is very right in very business.Efficiency means lower average cost. Efficiency means advantages in competition. However. in most cases, correctness is more important than effiency with risk of making mistakes, especially in the area where human life is involved. So i disagress that People should work quickly and risk making mistakes or should work slowly and make sure that everything is correct.Lets think about medicine production and doctors in operations. In these places, of course, efficiency is the second factor,even the last to be considered. Could you imagine that a doctor ask patient's families whether they would like to accelerate the operation process at the price of risk of making harm in the operations? Or as a patient who are going to drug store to bug medicine, can you bear the fact that you are told the drugs are cheaper but maybe something wrong in them. Thats rediculous.The same logic can also apply to architects and builders. If they dont make a best shot in design just for quickness, when the earthquake comes, thousands of people in the skycrapers would die. If the builders do not build every coner carefully, the whole structure of building is volnerable. And human lifes are in threat of death.In the manufacturing industry and food industry, if workers atre lazy, the total cost of production will be very high. Certainly the company will loss its advantages in the violent global competetion. Finally the firm may bankrupt. The same logic can also be apply to the company who provides services. However, if they make  toixt food or cars which have weakness in brakes, someone die because of these mistakes, they will have to pay more money in the lawsuits.In conclusion, after deliberations, we can understand in most cases we must make sure things are correct. As it comes to the other things such as being late for company sometimes or spelling mistakes, these are uncritical and reparable.
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