GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
[Claim] Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. [Reason] It is inappropriate—and, perhaps, even cruel—to use public resources to fund the arts when people's basic needs are not being met. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]当一个国家中大多数公民还处于饥饿和失业状态的时候,国家应该暂停对艺术的政府资助。 [理由]当人们的基本需求没有被满足的时候,用公共资源去自助艺术是不合适甚至残忍的。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE190"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money"。题目讨论公共资源支持艺术发展的合理性问题,题目认为相对于艺术,资金更应当用于解决社会基本问题(饥饿、失业)。在分析的过程中,可以从社会基本问题和艺术发展各自的重要性以及忽视之后可能带来的直接和间接后果、资金支持在二者发展之中的必要性以及效率效果等方面展开思考。对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 对于社会基础问题以及艺术发展,现在各国的投资支持态度是如何的?请描述具体某国家的情况,并评价其是否合理以及原因。
回答: 在发达的欧洲和北美地区,例如美国,对于艺术投资很巨大,而且在美国还有这样一个有趣的事,当金融危机时,好莱坞的票房就非常高。 中国将艺术商业化,因为中国认为艺术可以带来经济增长,所以投入越多产出越大。 比较贫穷的国家几乎很少对艺术进行投资,因为资金主要得用了解决社会基础问题,如饥饿和失业问题,例如朝鲜、中东地区。 大多数的国家都会把社会基础问题摆在第一位。 在一些发达国家,艺术行业发展已经相当成熟,国家培养了许多慈善基金会作为维持艺术家和艺术行业繁荣的保证。 在发展中国家,艺术越来越得到国家和人们的重视,艺术行业的发展形式、影响范围也越来越成熟和广泛。 而在一些发展落后的国家,绝大多数人民还在为生计奔波,艺术创作和欣赏只是极小范围人群的娱乐方式,国家对此也没有太多资金投入。
2. 社会基础问题(饥饿、失业)得不到解决会对社会产生哪些不良影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 1、影响社会经济的发展,2、影响社会的安定和人民生活的幸福,3、影响政府的形象和威慑力。 比如美国经济大萧条造成失业率攀升,加大美国政府的负债,从而影响美国政府的信用记录,也因GDP下降财政收入减少而造成财政空缺,影响军事、政治、外交等多方面问题。又例如,许多非洲国家正在经历着大规模疾病、饥荒等基本生存问题。这些基本社会问题使国家根本无暇顾及其他方面的发展。并且如果这类问题持续得不到解决,人民将对政府失去信任。如果社会基本问题没有及时处理或处理不当,可能会造成严重的民众反抗游行甚至是叛乱,危害社会安定和谐。中国历朝历代的王朝覆灭都是由于细小的民怨没有及时处理而酿成了大错。
3. 在社会基础问题解决之前是否其他任何投资行为都是不合适的?能否因为社会基础未得到解决就不去用公共资源支持艺术?请解释其中的原因。
回答: 不是的。 社会基本问题未解决在一定程度上会限制其他投资行为的结果。因为社会基本问题是其他投资行为成功的前提,经济基础决定上层建筑。温饱都没有解决的人民不会有心情去赏花旅游,所以旅游业无法得到大力发展。没有一定经济基础的人不会花钱置地买车,房地产不会有大的发展。同样,艺术行业也是需要人们有一定的教育及经济基础。而这跟社会基础问题其实是息息相关的。然而,也不能因为社会基础为得到解决就完全不去发展其他投资。社会体制是一个逐渐进步、逐步改进的过程,因此相对应的社会情况也有相应的文化需求。所以需要国家发展其对应的文化投资。 艺术给人精神上的充实,这与人得到物质满足是不矛盾的。事实上,支持艺术在某些方面也帮助了社会问题的解决。像横店这样的集团,就使得当地很多居民找到了工作,并且收益比原先务农要高,且轻松,不会受天气影响。再者,支持艺术,也是帮艺术家或相关人才就业。
4. 如果一个国家专注于改善其社会基础而忽视了艺术发展,该国的发展会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 首先,艺术是可以激发创造力的。很多科技发展都源于最初在艺术上的成就。人类很多的飞跃最初都在电影中以虚构的形式呈现,它最初只是编剧的一个构想,但是却给了科技工作者灵感。所以如果艺术的不到很好的发展,那这个国家的创新意识就令人堪忧了。例如,苹果的产品设计灵感就是来源于对艺术和美学的理解,乔布斯早期对美术和艺术书法的爱好,就是很好的例子。 其次,一个国家忽略了艺术的发展,可能造成社会价值的空洞,人民精神生活的单调。艺术也是人们表达自我的想法、情感的方式,如果不能给人这样的一个平台,可能带来更多不安定的因素。例如,人们可以通过看电影、话剧放松身心,了解各种文化。 最后,艺术的发展也是社会文化建设的一部分,忽略了艺术就是在一定程度上忽略一个国家的文化,一个没有文化底蕴的国家是不健全的,不利于树立综合性国家的形象。
5. 社会基础问题和艺术二者之间存在哪些相互影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 首先,必须承认社会基础问题是基础,艺术是上层建筑。尽管艺术很重要,但是必须处理好这两块的投资比例。这有经济情况决定。发达国家在艺术上的投资当然会比落后国家高。同时要避免在艺术上资金的浪费。 另一方面,即使是在部落石器,人类已经将艺术作为生活中不可或缺的一部分。我们看到的图腾等艺术形式就是最好的证明。在那时,他们表达了人们内心的恐惧,期望等等。更别说是现在,艺术不应该看做是阻碍或者与社会基础问题的解决矛盾,而应该看做是社会基础问题解决的一部分,更有时起促进作用。 艺术是社会发展到一定程度时的上层建筑和高度体现,总的来说一个国家某个阶段文化艺术发展的程度也是能够体现出一个国家现阶段的一些社会的基础问题。比如说,某些电影中,导演喜欢讲故事发生的背景定在如平民窟这样的地方,希望能够反应出社会的一些问题,还有一些反应百姓生活的歌曲和影视剧可以反应社会发展的情况。
Should art businesses or activities be funded by government when nations' citizens are coming across basic living problems? This is a controversial problem. Actually, a nation's basic social problems, such as employment problems and food insufficiency, are the nation's primary issues which should be solved first. However, supporting the development of arts are not incompatible with handling the social problems. By contrast, funding arts with appropriate devotions could mitigate the seriousness of some basic social issues. Thus, government should counterbalance the development of arts and people's basic problems to let them promote each other in a positive way.
When a nation's most people are struggling for their lives, or say they are busy to fighting for their living problems, such as hunger and unemployment, government should firstly pay more attention to these social problems. Firstly, the existence of such problems may impede a nation's economic progress, as a result, the slowness of economy will lead to further issues appearing in the nation. Once such negative cyclic happen, it is very dangerous for nations to thrive again. Furthermore, with many unemployed and hungry people in the society, the citizens would feel unhappy with their life as well as the government. When their unsatisfactory are progressively accumulated, they may want to leash out their emotion though some harmful ways, such as going on strike or demonstration. If this happens, the image and prestige of the government will be fully covered by their people's displeasure. Consequently, nations should predominantly guarantee that their citizens' basic need are primarily been satisfied.
If the basic social issues are the fundamental elements of a nation, the arts will be named as the upper structure in the society. In another word, enough food and jobs might be the material basis of their life, and the art is the higher pursuit in the spiritual world. As is demonstrated above, the foundations are crucial to maintain a harmony and happy life. If people's basic needs are not being met, they will have no time or desire to pay attention to pursuing spiritual things. But we cannot claim that the development of arts contributes nothing to our society, contrarily, moderate progress of art business would help to deal with some realistic social problems. On one hand, some practical formats of art, such as movies, music plays and TV shows, can bring humor and relax to our life, as a result, making our busy workday colorful. Beyond that, developing arts can create new jobs in the society, which will largely do some help to solve unemployed problems. Thus, we cannot unjustifiably conclude that government funding for arts should be suspended when there are some basic difficulties in the society.
In fact, if a nation only focus on solving its social problems and overlook the development of arts, it may cause some more critical harms to the nation. In the beginning, arts are the source of innovation, and lots of creative inspirations are coming from the arts. Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, whose ideas of iphone, ipad, and mac book are inspired by the aesthetics of calligraphy and  industrial design, is a good example to illustrate that art is a powerful generator of highly creative innovations. Moreover, art business, including movies, TV shows, and paintings, play a vital part in relaxing people from their busy and hard life, which may bring mental happiness and complacence to their life. Last but not least, arts are also part of a nation's culture, which need to be preserved and developed. If art workers or artists are neglected by government, they might lose their heart and do not create new art works at all. As a result, the culture of the nation will be partly or mostly damaged, which may lead to undermine the nation's comprehensive competitiveness in the world as well.
As a whole, government should counterbalance the fund of arts and of solving people's basic problems to let them promote each other in a positive way. In this way, the nation can successfully deal with the social problems as well as promote the development of arts.
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