GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 描述一件民众意愿没有得到政府支持的事情,并分析为什么政府不支持这件事,为什么民众有这样的意愿?
回答: 民众反对政府购买阿拉斯加,没有得到政府的支持。因为当时那笔钱并不算是消遣而在当时并没有发现阿拉斯加丰富的石油天然气资源。政府不支持是因为对于当时的美国政府来说,阿拉斯加也有其战略的益处,同时政府官员希望能有一天他们的子孙能从购买阿拉斯加这一行为中获益。对于美国来说也只是权宜之计,当时并没有被认为是妙计。
2. 民众在提出意愿的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素?这些因素会对他们的决策带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 主观色彩浓重。1.民众提出意愿的时候会考虑自身的利益,如环保和海洋生态学家oceangrapher and environmentalist可能就希望一年中的大部分时间禁止捕捞,而渔民们fishermen肯定就不希望这样的政策 目光短浅,片面的考虑问题 one-sided view 2.容易只根据自己的价值观或信仰来做出主观的判断。比如说有些人认为abortion合法,有些人认为不合法,有些人将焚烧国旗 Flag-burning 视为free of speech,有些人视为示威。
3. 政府官员在做出决策时会考虑民众意愿么?通常他们会考虑哪些因素?请举例说明。
回答: 会考虑民众的意愿。还会考虑的因素:对民众生活的影响,对国家政府未来的发展,所能带来的经济效益economic benefits,是否会造成环境污染等后果,社会稳定,是否有可行性feasibility,是否有经济能力。政府官员做决策的时候往往会考虑到民众的想法。国家和社会稳定,国家的实力和国际地位,民众的意愿和想法,长远利益。比如说,在面对一些领土争端的时候,民众的情绪往往比较激烈,希望能够用武力方式,更直接解决问题。国家要考虑地区的平衡,自己的利益,国家的实力等等。可能会鼓励游行等一些方式,但是不希望一些极端的解决方式,比如战争,断交等等。
4. 政府官员依靠自己的判断力或完全服从民众的意愿在做出决策时会有什么好处?会有什么问题?请分别举例说明。
回答: 官员依靠自己的判断力好处:为国家长久考虑,或者为国家总体利益考虑。问题:可能会带来民众的不满,反对。比如美国政府购买阿拉斯加时民众的反对,同时好处在于阿拉斯加真的后来证明了政府决策的正确。 完全服从民众的意愿:好处:获得人民的支持,同时不会因为错误决策而承担责任。问题:可能会带来决策的短视和狭隘 (strong personalities, propaganda and expensive advertising campaigns)比如:全民公投克罗地亚加入欧盟 自己,好处:政府官员一般比百姓了解的信息多,一般能够宏观地做决策,同时也有一定的前瞻性;坏处:有时候可能会走偏,不是人们想要的,不能真正解决人们的问题,使得人们反对政策,引起动乱服从民众,好处:了解人们需要什么,满足,解决人们的问题,提升人们的满意度;坏处,人们的意见不统一,甚至有相互矛盾的时候,不可能完全屈从
5. 政府的职能是什么?官员和群众分别在政府职能中充当什么样的角色?他们有什么责任和义务?请举例说明。
回答: 经济职能(宏观调控 macro-control 公平竞争公平交易trade)function 政治职能(维护国家安全to safeguard the national secrurity 社会秩序稳定 与其他国家友好关系)文化职能(发展科学技术 教育 文化 卫生体育)社会职能(保护生态环境和自然资源)发现问题并解决问题官员:管理 群众:受益者 监督者 支持 合作 有义务是自己的声音被听到 eg对于一个城市中的工厂,有人希望关掉,因为污染空气和水,而且噪音,而另外一些人觉得这样会影响经济发展,导致很多人失业,各种民众的声音传到政府官员那里,宏观照顾到多方面,可能最终把工厂迁到郊区
Should government officials rely on their own judgment or they unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve? This is an arguable issue. Since one of government responsibilities or say duties is to serve its people, officials should have no question considering the will of the citizens when they make decisions. In addition, however, there are many other crucial factors which should be taken into account by the government officials when they judge a situation. In other words, government should counterbalance people's will and a nation's long-term development and interests to make wise and significant decisions.
The functions of government, ranging from economic macro-control to political means to deal with other nations, to its obligation of preserving cultural tradition and its responsibility to solve environmental problems, are all closely correlated to their people's life. Correspondingly, the masses have the rights to express their inner will about social issues, and they, as beneficiaries, also have compulsions to cooperate with the government officials and support government's decisions to make their nation greater and more prosperous. According to such close relationship between government and the people they serve, officials will and should not neglect people's desire when they judge something or make some decisions.
Nonetheless, it is not advisable to follow the will of the people no matter what they want and what they think. First and foremost, common people' judgment may emphasis their own benefits and is probably subjective. If so, the whole interest of a nation will be omitted when officials unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve. A good example for this aspect is fishermen, who want to make full use of the ocean they live nearby. While oceanographers and environmentalists are all provoking to prevent overt fishing in the ocean in order to protect dearth species. Beyond that, people's will may be various, which may impossibly be satisfied by government officials. For example, some people may think a factory in city center is noisy and harmful to their daily life, while others pay more attention to the factory's economic benefit and job opportunities it provides. In this condition, government has no ability to fulfill all the citizens' will, as a result, officials need their own judgment. Thus, they may decide to move the factory to the near county, where fewer people's life may be disturbed and workers in the factory have not to lose their jobs.
Well, I confess that a democratic will gain their citizens' highly supports and advocacy, especially in dealing with some social problems that closely influence on common people's life. For example, the medical insurance problems and tired people's living safeguard problems are now hotly discussed by people in China, and government cannot underrate their concerns about these vulnerable groups in our society. Otherwise, people may feel unhappy about their leaders, so that they may vent their unsatisfactory in some radical ways and bring troublesome to government and society.
In sum, government officials should reasonably consider people's will and advise as well as a nation's political, economic, cultural and social factors when making decisions or judge something. In this way can government not only acknowledge people's advocating and supporting, but also maintain the long-term benefits and profound development.
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