GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenya
Educators should find out what students want included in the curriculum and then offer it to them. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
题目讨论授课内容与学生需求之间的关系。本题是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析可以面向各个教学阶段以及不同学科; 2、从教师和学生“互动”的角度考虑问题; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥但是言语不要过激。
1. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,教育家或者教师的职责包括哪些?
回答: 教育家或者教师的职责:1、向学生传授知识,包括选择合适的课程和教学方法。例如老师会用一些有利于学生集中注意力的方式来进行教学,使用一些辅助道具或者其他手段。2、培养学生的学习能力,包括独立思考能力和实践能力,例如老师会在课堂上提出一些问题请同学们思考,并结合做实验等手段锻炼学生的动手能力。3、引导学生学会创新和批判性思维,例如老师会在同一个问题上要求学生想各种各样的方法来解决,还鼓励学生对老师讲的不对的地方提出质疑和更正。4、引导学生培养正确的价值观,叫他们做人处事的道理和一些生活中的经验。5、激发学生对学习的兴趣,发现他们的闪光点并给予鼓励。
2. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,学生想要在课程中得到什么?
回答: 学生想学到:1、知识体系,包括涵盖比较广泛的基础知识,和感兴趣的专业知识。2、分析问题解决问题的比较普适的思路和方法。3、在与老师和同学的交流中,获得一些新的思想,和沟通理解的能力。4、找到学习的乐趣和自己的兴趣所在。
3. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家严格并且完全地满足学生想要在课程中得到的内容,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 如果在授课的过程中,教育家严格并且完全地满足学生想要在课程中得到的内容,好处:针对学生的需求所开设的课程更容易激发学生的学习热情和兴趣,学生学习积极性高,出勤率高,教学效率高;例如学校开设学生们都很感兴趣的音乐、电影鉴赏课程,学生就会非常积极地参与其中,发表自己对某个音乐或者某部作品的看法和感想,不但能学习一些变现手法,也能从音乐和电影中了解作者的思想和他处的时期的文化。弊端:如果在授课过程中,教育家严格且完全满足学生想要的,这样是做不到的。因为和庞大的学生数量相比,教育资源相对有限,有时是匮乏的,无法完全以满足学生所需为前提去进行。即使教育资源充足,这样做可能会造成很多学生知识结构不完整,因为学生有时候并不是很明确自己应该学什么,这样的授课就不能为社会输送全面发展的人才。
4. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家完全忽视学生想要在课程中得到什么,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 如果在授课的过程中,教育家完全忽视学生想要在课程中得到什么,也就是不管学生的兴趣和意愿,这样的话会使学生对课堂失去兴趣,成绩一落千丈,形成恶性循环,厌学。扼杀学生的兴趣,好奇心,影响学生的学习动力,使学生的潜力未能得到充分开发。
5. 你认为的,在授课过程中,应该怎样参考学生的需要比较合适?请简述。
回答: 如果学生想得到的内容确实很重要,有助于提高教学效果,那么应该尽量满足其需要;如果想知道的内容与该课程无关,就没必要讲;如果该内容不重要也没必要细讲,因为其他同学可能并不想听。 应该尽量给不同兴趣的学生提供一些可供自主选择的课程(选修课),以满足学生们的兴趣,同时也能提高教学的效果,前提是在必修的基础课得到保证的基础上。对于一些必修基础课,老师应该在教学前和教学期间经常与学生进行沟通交流,老师给学生提出一些要求(如课前的准备和课后的实践训练),同时学生也可以对授课内容和老师上课的方式方法提出建设性意见,以便师生之间更好的互动,形成积极活跃的课堂气氛。

What kind of role should students' desire play in determining the curriculum by educators? In order to fulfill children's all kinds of interests and encourage their passion on study, teachers might need to consider their expectation about what to learn. However, it is unrealistic to take all the students' wants into account. I hold the viewpoint that educators should not only arrange their teaching plans to make students learn the basic knowledge and practical methods in the class, but also, they need to know how to communicate and exchange ideas with the kids in order to improve effectiveness during classes.
Consider kids  who are under primary education and high school students, which means that they may be too young and immature to know what they want. Or what they want but such may be unnecessary or unworthy to be taught in a whole class. For example, there might be a kid who is interested in playing computer games, so if a teacher asks him what information he want to learn through courses, he probably treats knowledge of how to use computer as his intensive desire. Obviously, our teacher should not teacher such things about computer games during classes. In this situation, teachers should make comprehensive plans of their curriculum for young students so that they can learn lots of useful knowledge, develop a good study habit and get rid of some unhealthy information. 
When it comes to higher level students, including college students and graduates, communication on the teaching methods and contents are both important to give more effective education. To find interests and advantages, students are allowed to choose all kinds of courses in the university, which means educators have treated a student's real favor in their study. Nevertheless, some fundamental subjects, such as courses about math, culture, language, computer technology, are arranged for nearly all the students, no matter what their major is. Actually, educators are experienced professional in the field they teach, while students known little about relative information. What a student say is his or her desirable knowledge might just be his or her inquisitive that may be unnecessary to be discussed in front of all the students. So if a teacher finds out every student's expectations and includes them in the class, some students may find it difficult to concentrate when the teacher is talking about other students caring information. Moreover, the education will become not complete and ineffective.
Except from the above two points, I would like to argue that the feasibility to consider all the preference of our students. Even if educators want to satisfy all the learners, the fund and some other facilities in one school will be limited to support this plan. Consequently, this kind of educating method is hard to implement. However, a curriculum or teaching plan without any consideration about what students really want might also be a failure. Since students, especially when they are young, are most imaginative and creative, we might have obscured their thinking and behaving development when omitting their opinions of what to learn. What is worse, a student may lose heart on study if his advice is often ignored by his teacher, and he or she may consequently generate negative emotions towards learning. In a word, the appropriate communication between teachers and students are significant to improve both teaching and learning efficiency.
In a nutshell, educators need to know how to communicate with the students in order to make the class more efficient. And at the same time, more important is that they should arrange their teaching plans and contents according to their many years' experience and knowledge about their specialized field, which will guarantee most students can receive a comprehensive and useful education.
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