TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dbc
【IBT机经-29】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life.
1. 电影的种类丰富,能教会我们生活东西的电影一般指那一类的电影呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 1
2. 这种电影教会了我们哪些东西呢?请举例说明。
回答: 2
3. 还有哪些其他种类的电影?请举例说明。
回答: 3
4. 人们看电影的目的是什么呢?除了学到东西之外,还有别的目的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 4
5. 有的电影讲述的是一小段故事,有的电影是记录一段历史,还有的电影是传播某种知识,不同的电影有不同的主题,你觉得划分电影是否值得看的标准是什么呢?
回答: 5
Nowadays, watching movies has become a leisure activity in our life. In watching movies, we can have many choices as at present. Science fiction can bring us to the world that we have never experienced; Romantic movies make us cherish what we have already have; motivational films can encourage us to work hard and achieve our goals. Whether only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life? From my perspective, I totally disagree with that idea.First of all, there is no dening that we can learn some valuable lessons from the worth watching movies. This kind of movies, are always have some encouragement and motivation for us to achieve ourselves by work hard and paying more efforts. From watching that kind of movies, we can be encouraged and make it into practical actions. For example, the movie which named "The Pursuit of happiness", is one of the worth watching movies that encourage me to chase my dream and never, never stop. What has been said in the movies that "If you have a dream, protect it" makes me most impression.On the other hand, other types of movies, like science fiction, comedy and romantic love movies are also worth watching. Only we pay attention to the movie and relate them to the real life can we realize how meaningful the movie is. Take romantic love story as an instance, the famous movie, Titanic, teach us something about the real life. First, that movie is revised by a real story which happened in 1800s. Second, when watching Titanic, not only can we feel how much the love will receive from our parents, friends and lover, but also from strangers. One of the plot, which have shown that people are so polite and good manner that they left the room of the boat to women and children who are weaker than them. To connect the movie to the real life, we also have to be gentle enough to help the person who needs help in order to keep the harmonious society.Besides, the comedy movies, teach us to cherish our life. When facing with the disasters and misfortune, what we have to do is to face them bravely, find correct and suitable ways to work them out, just like the movies. Seeing various films make our mind diverse and thoughtful.All in all, anyone can safely draw the conclusion that we also can learn some precious lessons in our life through the movies. Only when we set our mind into appreciating the movies can we learn something in our real life.
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