TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:tommy_zuo
【IBT机经-10】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.
1. 请结合实际谈谈错误分哪几种?犯错对于人们成长的重要意义是什么?
回答: 1.因为不小心犯下的错误,因为对某事不熟练而犯下的的错无,通过练习可以改正。比如说总是不能好好地弹完一首曲子,弹奏过程中总是有错误,死因为不熟练反腐训练后可以消除。 2.因为确实不懂造成的错误。我弟弟数学题老师做错,原来是有个地方不懂,为他讲解之后就不会做错了
2. 请结合具体事例谈谈孩子们通过犯错可以吸取哪些教训?这些教训对于他们起到哪些作用?
回答: 比如热水不可以摸,父母反复告诉孩子,孩子不听,有一天孩子不小心被热水烫到,救护深深的记住热水是不可以碰的因为他会烫伤身体。所以孩子在这个错中得到金不
3. 在什么情况下,孩子们犯错是可以被接受的?在什么情况下,是不能被接受的,为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 因为无知犯下的错误可以被接受,如果孩子去骗别人,不诚实是不可以接受的。因为城市一种美好品德,如果孩子欺骗别人家长肉不支出的画,孩子可能就会认为是利索当然的,久而久之就会染上骗人的坏习惯
4. 有没有哪些东西是可以不用犯错就能学到的?请举例说明。
回答: 吃饭
5. 请结合具体事例简述家长应该如何在孩子们犯错和吸取教训的过程中正确发挥引导的作用?
回答: 家长在发现孩子犯错之后,不能一味的去批评孩子,较高速孩子那里做的不对,这样做的坏处是什么。才能让孩子知道自己错在哪里更好的改正错误
      Nowadays in china , almost  every family have only one children. Given this situation ,it is no doubt that parents recognized their children more precious than any other thing in the world.So they solve problems for their children instead of letting child found the solution by themselves.If young people always do things with adult's help ,their ability  would be enormously I agree that  Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.     Children are independent individuals, not their parents' assets.It is true that parent's intruduction is essential especially for innocent young people.with the help ,the youth can complete some difficult things effortless.such as communicate with other people ,do their home work.The problem has been the lake of experience.they have rights to experience the real world themself  themself  and make their own choiceeven the choice are wrong.only by experience can children understand life better.Take me for example.when i was a little baby ,my parents allow me to do almost things which i should do do.Like wash the cloth ,take my dog for a walk.but i was too young to do this well .once i nearly destroyed the chicken inmy house.through this things i become a people with life skills.  the mistake of the past play a significant role in getting across to us how to refrain from repeating the same errors.through the mistake we made ,we can know our weakness .and we can learn fromn the mistake.After correct the mistakes, it is only a matter time before success.IN order to illustrate my viewpoint ,here i would like  to render a  series of persuasive brother is not good at math.Actually he is afraid of the math exam.this question preplexed my brother for years.because he was always getting low grade in math exam.then ,my father told him did not worry just found the mistake,and correct it.through the mistake my brother found some method he really ddi not know.afte understanding the brother changed ,he is more like math then before. 

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