GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a diminished sense of who they are.
本题讨论典礼、仪式和文化、社会之间的关系,前后两句是一种因果关系,因为仪式和典礼能够帮助定义文化,所以,没有它们,人们会迷失自我。换言之,通过各民族各文化间不同的仪式和典礼可以帮助定位某种文化,然后,这个民族,这种文化下的人们才会有明确的自我定位,否则的话,他们会失去这种定位感而迷失自我。在分析的时候应当注意以下四点:1、ritual和ceremony都有仪式典礼的意思,区别在于,ritual更偏于宗教意味的活动;而ceremony则偏向于正规严肃的典礼礼仪。通过对典礼仪式的范围(仅限宗教活动或定义为更广泛的内容,包括习俗,节日等)做限定就会出现很多不同的写法。2、要注意 help一词,这个help就限定了仪式和典礼对于文化的作用,只是有助于定义而已,而并不是只是由仪式和典礼定义,这样委婉的语言就造成了这个句子不容易去反驳。3、societies or groups of people并不是同一个范畴的两种,而是某种程度上的递进,比如说,你可以证明某个团体,某个民族失去了自我,那么是否就等于整个社会都同样如此呢,不见得,所以,对于这点,一定要保持清醒。如果你不能证明整个society的情况的话,还是把group作为你的讨论对象,而且,也要注意限定范围——多大程度的group。4、diminished sense实际上说的是一种趋势,隐含的意思是这种sense在逐渐的减少。所以,千万不能将这个问题绝对化,写成完全丧失自我之类的情况。另一方面,这样的表达实际给了很多好处,写同意的观点的话,只需要证明出来与过去相比较有减少的情况,证明出一个diminish的趋势就可以了。
1. 文化对于社会,对于个人的作用都有哪些?如果把你放进一个陌生的文化环境中,你会有哪些不适应?
回答: 由于文化的不同使得不同国家之间的社会有所差异,这体现在制度上,人际关系等方面。对于个人的作用是让一个人具备对于自我民族的了解,对于自身的了解。由于文化的差异会不适应。
2. 当你和外国人聊天的时候,如果对方对于自己本国文化或者对本国庆典、仪式几乎没有任何知识的话,你会有什么样的感觉?
回答: I will doubt his identify.
3. 你的祖国的某种文化的典礼和仪式有哪些特征?其中能反映出什么文化特色?可以结合具体的典礼仪式简单描述。
回答: The character of rutial and ceremongy in my country stress the family reunion. No matter the spring festival or the tomb-sweeping day, our cultur emphasis the commual sharing irrespective of the happiness or the sorrow. The rutial and ceremongy has envolved in the chance for a whole family getting together.
4. 你如何给自己做分析定位?在判断自己的位置、定义自己的过程中,会采用的是什么样的标准?这个标准来自哪里?
回答: The criterion of myself is base on my ability and condition embrace the advantage and shortcoming which stem from the humility and honesty in our culture.
5. 文化对于个人的影响和对社会团体甚至整个社会的影响有什么相同和不同?请举例并简述。
6. 文化 社会 个人 意识
No one will equal wedding ceremony to the event like brush tooth and wash face. RItual and ceremony as the basic activity in one country,  consiture the most important time in a year for the people as well. Besides the holiday associate with the rituals and ceremonies, it occupies the one third or more time in the 365 days. I basically agree with the contention of the speaker that the rituals and ceremonies tell the poeple who they are and help definite the culture.
When we first mention the two word "ritual" and "ceremony" what's your first impression? "Christmas tree", "big lantern". I believe different people will have the different response all hinge on the culture they belong to, and I also belive the closer culture people has, the more sililarity the answer will be. Under the rapid space of globalization, the world seem to become flat and tend to integate a whole one. However, the rituals and ceremonies are always the "power" to break the seemly faculty, once it appearence, it will dissipate the "false appearence" caused by globelizaiton telling people the surface integarate can hardly shake the innner maintance. Originating from the old thadition which seperate people from different culture in a essence way, even though the form may change following the science advance, the basic element will permenately exit. For instanse, red is the basic color for the spring festival in china, from the past to the present, though the style of cloth may change the red color is still people's favoritc color wearing in that day. Similariy, greeting as the basic etiquette in the spring festival still maintain today, only change the form from drop round to sending short message. Base on that, it evoke the sense of belonging to a people, bring them a chanve to have a clear consciousness of who they really are, which culture they belong to.
Rituals and ceremonies are hand down from the old time to current. There seldom some things that can be accepted and identified by a group of people. Ritual and ceremonies is the one. It stem from the ethos and moral of one nation, rooting in every people's heart. Observing one culture's rutials and ceremonnies may easily have a basic realzation of what they are worship, what is their religion and what is their etiquett. We can conclude that rituals and ceremonies are the essence of one culture feature. They like a code or a language among a group, let people identify the fellow with the same culture, telling them where they belong to. Even thought people in China spend the  christmas day but the form is toatally different from the western contry. Christmas in china meas a day should hanging out with friends  seeing movie or having some other entertainment thing to do. The distinguish feature in Chinese chrismas day is  sendding apple to other people which come from the first pronunciation of apple in chinese which represent the safe and sound with the same pronounciation to the christams eve day. As a result, the Chinese culture endow the christmas day a Chinese culture which demonstrate to us that the rituals and ceremonies root in culture one more time.  
Edification from a child, the ritual and ceremones has become a habitat for a person. Breaking a habitat always follow the paiful feeling. From the peole who work or study abroad, we may clearly see that point. Every momentous rituals and ceremonies, they always nostalgia for the hometown under a none festival stomosphere. When the spring festival is coming, the feeling of getting together with a family enclose ourselves, the desire of eating dumpling cannot be ignored. For the people in the hometown, before the spring day, people is always under the condition of exhillarion, part from the affluence of the outside atomosphere, but mainly from the inner spontaneous like a bioclock remind people what time to get up. Such habitat help people know where they belong to or who they really are from the substanial level.
AS a conclusion, rutials and ceremonies represent a culture and a people, as an part unable to ignore they help people realise who they really are all the time.     
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