GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.
1. 在学术和专业领域想象力和知识各是什么角色?试分析一两个以下学术领域中的情况( 历史 | 语言 | 文学 | 表演 | 哲学 | 宗教 | 建筑学 | 经济学 | 地理 | 政治 | 心理学 | 社会学 | 生命科学 | 化学 | 物理 | 电脑科学 | 数学 | 农业 | 经济 | 教育 | 工程 | 环境 | 法律 | 军事 | 传媒 )
回答: 想象力赋予建筑全新的外观与内涵而知识是实现建筑的基础。想象力让我们对物理现象有了全新的解释和更广阔的应用,但物力知识是实现一切的基础。
2. 如果只有知识而没有想象力会有什么后果?请举例并简述。
回答: 我们始终将在原地踏步无法继续发展。
3. 如果仅仅有想象力却不具备知识又会怎样?
回答: 只有想象力而没有知识我们想象只能是毫无实际的空想而已。
4. 应当如何去判断想象力与知识的重要性?能否找到衡量或者对比的标准?如果能,请举例并简述;如果不能,请说明原因。
回答: 想象应当是在掌握知识的基础上才能得到发挥,而知识只有插上想象的翅膀才能发展进步。
In every professions and academic fields, imagination and knowledge enacts a important role in problem solving and development. I basically agree with the contention of the speaker that the imagination is more important than knowledge in most fields.
Following the technology development, IT as a new occupation has become the essential strenghth push the society forward. We may amazing find our life is digitalized. The electronic system enable people only use the computer to solve any kinds of problems. For instance, the  B2B system help the enterprise effectively manage the business, and B2C system satisfy people's need of shopping at home. Without the imagination, these systems may never be created, and internet for us is just a platform of browsing website and communication. For the IT industry, imagination is the way of existence and the origin of the development. Without it  IT will not become the necessary part in any other professions. Similarity, the imagination is also same important for those designers. They make a life by it. Without the imagination, the nest and water cube may never become the symbol of Beijing; the fashion show may never attracted attention of people and the iphone is unable to stick out among the same kind products. A designer seperated imagination will only become a imitator but not a creator. Meanwhile, even in the academic field, the imagination is indespensible. Take the physics for example, without the imagination Newtown will not find the law of gravity after hit by a apple and Einstein will not propose the theory of relativity. Imagination let people move forward in exploring the process of world.
On the contrary we should also see the point that the knowledge also has a significant meaning in those profesions and academics feild. Knowledge is the foundation in creating the electronic system. Without any knowledge of internet agreement or a machine language, The system is unable to creat, Without any knowledge of artitechtecture, the nest and water cube is just a picture unable to actualized in reality. And without the knowledge of basic physics , Newton may like an ordinary people complained the bad luck hit by an apple. Imagination is the thing every people is able to own. It is not resstricted by age, culture and environment. We may hav the such experience that a thought casted off by us long before has become reality in our life. The reason why we do not become a creatof of this thought is not because we absent imagination, it is because we do not have the knoledge to transform it into reality. Just because the restriction of knowledge few people can be the artitechtor, inventor, physics and computer scientist at the same time. On the other hand, the imagination does not have such limitation. It can range from the art to the science technology, yet most of them,due to lack of knowledge become a fantsy but not a real idea.
Simultaneously, the also the basis of imagnination. Many imagination can be created is due to the knowledge people have gasped. Without it the imagination may only exist in a shawllow level unable to penetrate in one field. And that's also the mainly reason how imagination exerted in the academic field. On the other hand, the imagination direct the road for the development of knowledge as well. In the movie Star War, the 3D projector remind a deep impression in people's mind. Some people     
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