GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:YZH
If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.
1. 判断一个目标是否值得都应当从哪些方面考虑?请举例并简述。
回答: 是否符合个人的意愿,是否对个人有帮助,或者对社会,对他人有帮助。但是这几个方面经常是相互排斥的,有时候要牺牲掉个人帮助社会,有时候个人目标的达成可能会损害了个人的意愿,或者对社会或者他人造成了上海
2. 请结合某一具体情况和目标(比如:在学校考试得高分、在运动场上获得金牌等),尽可能全面的列举可以采用的各种方式。这些方式哪些是正规合理的,哪些不是?
回答: 比如获得商业上的成功有几种方式:1.注安分地做好自己的产品,通过正常的竞争取得市场;2.通过一些道德上不允许但是法律上没有被禁止的灰色手段争取自己的客户或者打压竞争对手;3.过非法手段取得市场或者打击竞争对手。1是正规合理的,3不是,2值得商榷
3. 使用不合理方式取得成功的同时会有哪些潜在危害或损失?请举例并简述。(可以从对自己、对他人、直接影响、间接影响、短期影响、长远影响等角度考虑)
回答: 对自己:良心不安;对他人:造成伤害;直接影响:自己目标的达成;间接影响:社会风气败坏;短期影响:自己取得一定的优势或者成功;长期影响:个人的名声,诚信受到质疑,不会专注于提高自己的能力取得成功而是通过歪门邪道,对个体的成长不利
4. 请列举因为尝试采用不正当方式去达到自己的目标造成对本人、团队、家庭、社会、国家造成负面影响的事例。
回答: 体操运动员改年龄,盐湖城冬奥会竞选丑闻,水门事件,二战,伊拉克战争,商业贿赂比如洛克希德事件Lockheed bribery scandals
I disagree with the author's statements that any means can be taken to attain a goal and regarded unjustifiable if the goal is worthy. We can not easily define whether a goal is worthy or not. What's more, as an individual living in the nexus of society, not all the means would be ethically and morally right and will not harm others around us.
First of all, we have various ways to judge whether a goal is worthy or not. Every one has his or her own standards or judgements. For example, we can judge the worth of a goal by its feasibility, which indicates the possibility of our achivement. Also, the personal value and social value can be used to judge a goal. Without determining and conforming the actual worth of any goal, one can not define a goal automatically. Therefore he or she can not judge whether things been done is justifiable or not as the auchor cited in the statement.
Even if a goal is worthy and deserve to struggle for it, we should obey the moral and legal rules when facing a myriad of choices to achieve it. We are connected with others socially. Anything we do would exert effects on others, both positive and negative.
On the contrary, if people do anything without limitation and whatever they could to achieve the goal, great harms to others would taken place. Not only do such negative influences affect the executors themselves, but also exert harmful effect on the people aroung them, the group's reputations and the rules of the society. For example, the Lockheed bribary scandles happened in the mid 1970s in Japan. The arm's manufactures offered bribe to the political leaders of Japan, even involving the prime minister at that time, to ask for the orders of the company's aircraft and other armory from the government of Japan. This scandals shocked the government of Japan and the rest of the world, causing greatly negative effects to the Lockheed company and the prime minister of Japan at that time. Another typical examples of using any means to achive goals is the use of dope. In order to get the gold medal and their reputation, a lot of atheletes have used dope to increase the competing result. Such behaviors rendered not only the ruin of the athelete's career, but also caused the query of the honesty of the whole world of the sports within the range of nationwide. The behaviors of achieving goals without the limitation of moral and legislation has indeed cause great damage to every one related. In a word, attaining the goals should be within the control.
However, people would still meet the situations where they have to make a choice between the moral and the goals. Sometimes we would have to use a unjustifible way to attain the justice, such as the occasions when we are invaded. Although fire back might lead to many deaths of the soldiers and civilians, the leader would still chose to fire back to avoid many more lose of lives if invaded and colonized by the outsiders.
In conclusion, we should use the right and proper methods to attain our goals. The method we use would not as the author said to be all justifiable.
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