GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Alice_918
Many of the world's lesserknown languages are being lost as fewer and fewer people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.
1. 描述一种使用者不太多的语言,这种语言的现状是怎样的?使用的人多么?如果它面临消失,请阐述原因。
回答: 台湾原住民的语言,大多是那些年老的原著民使用这种语言。很大一部分的原因来自于移民以及政策。
2. 描述一种已经消失的语言,分析它消失的原因。在它消失前,是否有政府采取过保护措施?如果有,请举例说明。
回答: Amurdag是澳大利亚土著的一种语言,目前只剩下一人会讲这种语音。
3. 描述一个国家政府正在执行的保护某种语言消失的政策,并阐述这个政策执行情况如何?是否可以有效地防止这种语言的消失?
回答: 台湾土著语。政府大力支持学习土著语言,在学校会开设相关语言的课程。
4. 语言对于一个国家来说有什么作用?如果这种语言消失,对国家以及这个国家的人民来说有什么危害?
回答: 语言对一个国家来说传承了历史,蕴涵了多种的文化,以及对自然思索的成果等等。对于人民来说是一种归属感,是一种尊严,一种身份的象征。
5. 相对统一的语言对于全球化和国家发展会带来什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是人类的交流得到来了长远的发展,将促进人类进一步的发展,各国间的合作。弊端就是将面临本国文化衰退的危险。
6. 政府保护濒临消失的语言需要付出什么代价?请举例说明。
In today's world, language ennact an vial role in gaining the job fro people under the rapid space of globalizaiton, Gasping the second language, like Ehlish, Japannese, Franch,  has became the important conditon for apply a job. However in the other part of the country about once two weeks a language will disapear. For the lesserknow language showing the completey contrary situation to the majotity language. I totally agree with the contention of the speaker that the governments of these countries should take action to prevent such languages from becoming extinct.
Language represents the culture and history being the wealth of a country. The shape of a language not only means a word but also embody a culture feature. The Chinese character is the heiroglyph envolv from the substantial image standing for the feature of a staff, on the other hand the English words constitute by letter stand for the progress of a thing. These two different kind of writing reflect different thought of the world and the way of thinking  help people understand the culture discrepancy. What's more, the language blend into the outcome for realizing time, season, animals, vegitables, music, mythology and other thing. We can easily find it from the idiom and other from of language. it is the wisdom accumulate by our ansester from one generation to generation. Abandoning the languge also means the disscard of such outcome which is bound to ba a huge loss for the whole human being. Apart from the history is record by native language, the history also constitute the most important part of language, the way of saying something has the tight relationship with the history, it represant a particulary event, a famous people, a traditonal etiquette etc. It's the best recording of a  history which let people permanatelly remember it. However if the language disappear, history and culture will go to the end sooner or later.
At the same time language as an dignity of a country telling the people where they belong to. The dignity stems from the intelligence of people, and the language is the essence of it. No one can deciede which nation overies the other, and they all stand on the same line. No language is more advanced than others their exsist illustrate its undefendent position. The language as the representation of a wisdom, culute and history showing the dignity of its user. There is no reason that we donot attracted by the same language or even the same accent, the warm and kind feeling let us find the belonging of ourselves. However, the extinct of a language means all the dignity and belonging which inherit from the past will leave us alone. We lose the feeling of being the owner in our hometowm becoming the subsurbodinate of other country, the belonging is gradually disappear substitute by the other place, and at the same time our nation walk into the edge of death becoming the history in the future. No goverment want to become the terminator of its nation, the protection not only means the culture and  history but also the dignity and identity of its people. 
The protection of a lesserknown language is difficult for goverment who have to invest large amout of money, and change the altitute of people some of them have breaken the brige of its language due to the culture invading or the old politiv policy. In Taiwan, the old ruler was resoponsible for years of harsh suppresion of native Taiwanese languages and dialects. The forbiden police at least affecte three generation. The present indigenous teenager is unable to speak the native language as their parents only the old people gasp such language.  The goverment find the crisis of  indigenious language disapperensing not only because is a key attraction for tourist but also it is an intergral part of the island's identity.  We can not deny the boost of the indigeniuos language indeed help increase the  economy from travel, music selling etc. Now people gradually have an interest to the indigenous culture participating in all kind of activity like the indigenous training class, summer camp and In the near future the aurport of the indigenous language will become a economic boom.
In the final conclusion, we shuold see the important function of the language, the capable goverment should or must surport the developmnet of lesserknow language. The extinction will let  people pay the huge price.  
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