GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张佩尧
Critical judgment of work in any given field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请分别列举在某领域中来自专家和非专家的两个判断,并简述这些判断被事实检验后的结果。
回答: 例如日食,非专家们会认为是天狗吃月亮,专家们知道这是地球运动到了月亮和太阳之间
2. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些优势?请举例并简述。
回答: 更专业,更合理,更具体。例如万有引力,普通人只知道地球有吸引力,专家们则可以进行准确的测量,将之量化
3. 专家的判断力相对于其他人的有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 容易走进极端,并且在一些情况下脱离现实,缺乏实际运用。 例如,专家们对一些极端情况下的市场产出做出判断,这样的判断往往在实际生活中是不成立的
4. 仅相信专家的判断力对某一个领域的发展有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 利在于更加的系统化,科学化,例如科学养殖。但也会有较高的经济成本,例如转基因的蔬菜
Many people hold the belif that critical judgment of work that cames from an expert can be a great value. Otherwise, it will br nonesence. I concede with that. However, as far as I concerned, we can not agree with this statement totally, especially considering the value of the critical judgment that comes from an amatuer and the disadvantages if we absorb all waht the experts critics.
Admmittedly, we can not deny the value of an expert's critical judgment which usually help us finish our wirks well. On one hand, the expert provide scientific advise on how to make things well. For example, Thanks to the progress that Doctor Yuan made, we can reat more rise than before. On the other hand, with the help of critical judgment of an expert, we get a better understanding of things we used to misunderstanding. Take the bite from mosquito for example, we all know that it is a so normal thing that we hardly take it into our minds. But from the experts we realized that some bites may even kill us espeially when we are in the rainforest. So, it is important to follow experts' advices.
However, after a second thoroughly thought, we bilieve that only the critical judgments from experts  are not enough. First of all, bucause some judgments from specialists can only work well in theory, so tehy can not be put intopractice. Which means we can not evec use in our daily work. For instance, we all know the Great Law of Market, one of the biggest successes in our history, but we can use it in our real market because there are some constrains which made our real market can not fit the assumptions. Secondly, some nonspecialists' viewpoint are more useful than the experts'. For if we were get injured in the wild, we will always follow the natives' idea to fiond some leaves or herbs instead of finding a hospital nearby which comes from the specialists' auggestions. So sometimes, we should take the viewpoints from an amatuer into consideration.
From what have been mentioned above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that  critical judgments are useful whatever it comes from an expert or a nonexpert. Because if we cambine them, we get get a better understanding of the real world and make things better .
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