TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:stepstone
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你最喜欢玩的游戏是什么?大概介绍一下。
回答: Red alert,this off-line computer games was coined as really world of different country power including economy parameter,martiry power political facter and the list will going on.In games,you can selects any country to develop economy and strength army power,ultimately you must acheieve triumph on behalf of that country.
2. 你觉得这个游戏有没有教会你什么东西?和生活有关吗?
回答: I believe the games indeed teach me something related to everday life, especailly the art of keep balance of everthing of life.
3. 你觉得生活需要什么能力?举例说明。
回答: the ability/competence of self-control;the philosophy of equilibrium.for instance,if we want recite toefl vocanbulary we must make appropriate blueplan and make sure the shedule be carry on.
4. 有没有哪个游戏考验了这些能力?具体说明一个事例。
回答: definitely,football games.
5. 你觉得游戏和生活有什么不同点?
回答: when palying games,we have chance to repeat numberless/countless/infinite/ innumerable/innumerous/ times to make perpect on one games.but for life,it is aways one-ticket traver and one loop cover another loop without the oppoturnity to reset.

Games are merely company with one person whole life. All of people in different period join in suitable games obtain something usefully to their body and minds nearly. In our childhood or even infanthood, we through playing procure/attain basic body exercise skills and subconscious self-esteem. In our adolescent stage, by positively participate in a variety of games cultivate/ we communication, interpersonal and teamwork capability. Of course, when we grown up, playing helps us either relax tired body and minds or mitigate enormous work pressure from any direction.
Both infanthood and childhood are extreme crucial to a persons` growing, playing games is key to nurture a healthy and intellective child. For instance, at present, an infant will be instructed to learn swimming in shallow pool in order to active potential competence of physiology. Moreover, playing games can trains baby gross motor skills, when baby grasp small crystal ball beyond her, her must stands up and keep body balance when access to that ball, at the same time, the process of grasp that ball successfully adds baby`s faith in turn.
In our adolescent times, playing games seems to be a two-edged sword. one hand, playing games further child potential ability such as communication, interpersonal and teamwork capability and enrich life of tedious learning; for instance, when we playing football games, we need to communicate among teammates get accurate information about strategy, football games is a team sports item require higher team work competence, adolescent attend football games will enhance communication skills and advance teamwork capability. On the other hand, some children are addicted in various games and dropped out from school. Take on-line role playing games for example, in my hometown many junior high school students and senior middle school students are skim classes for the purpose of entry net bar playing on-line games, some students long times fall into net games give rise to expel from the school.  
Though the disadvantages of games influence are considerable, they cannot compete with the benefits, when child`s future development is taken into deliberation.
In brief, from my point of view, games are benefits one whole life in most of case, especially for children, children can gain numerous merits, of course, adult can also obtain many benefits, but children have much more to learn.
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