TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Phoenix_239
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有没有觉得那些食物比以前更容易准备了?例如面条
回答: 有,比如说方便面
2. 这些食物变得好准备以后,给你带来了什么好处?
3. 食物变得更好准备,有没有给你带来坏处呢?如果有,是什么呢?
4. 人们的生活水平受到哪些因素的影响?尤其是跟吃有关系的有哪些?
More and more people realize that food provides more functions than to sustain our life simply: not only do various foods please us in terms of taste and sight, but the more nutritious food strength our body further than ordinary one. However, simplicity in food preparation can reduce their capacity to be delicious and healthy, so it seems that this change do not improve the way people live.
The first thing I would like to mention is that foods easier to prepare like quick frozen product or instant noodles are not healthier than those we spend time to make. Mostly, the common quality of this kind of food is that they can be stored for long time. Even in the freezing situation and supported by advanced storage system, nutrition in these foods will inevitably run off. Furthermore, experts claim that some bacteria can also flourish among them. So the idea that often to eat these foods is bad to our health has been largely publicized. In addition to the lack of their own nutrition, chemicals are also put into these foods in order to prolong their storage period. According to the research from government health department, instant noodles are found to contain lots of chemicals harmful to us, such as antiseptic.
As a matter of fact, people argue that the appearance of the food easier to prepare often based on the common thing which a lot of time and effort to make food can be saved. For some people, especially those who are busy in working or studying, they really need to eat these foods just to sustain their life. The others do not have to do so. If they are willing to spend time and exert effort to make healthier and more delicious food, they might obtain a lot more happiness and enjoyment from this process and food. This is the true way that we can improve life quality, not by saving a little time to do something else.
No better way to improve our life quality is more useful than carefully making a dinner and sharing with our family members. So that is why I do not think the food easier to prepare can actually provide health and happy to our life.
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