TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Saralina
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你觉得大学应该给学生体育活动提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: Of couse, universities should give finantial support to sports, such as updating sport facilities, reqairing the universities' playground and even hiring some professonal trainers to conduct and teach students.
2. 你觉得大学应该给图书馆提供资金吗?如果应该,这些钱你觉得应该花在哪呢?
回答: Certainly, universities should offer amounts of money to libraries, for instance, purchasing professional books as many as possible to satisfy the need of students and teachers, refurnishing universities' libraries and establishing electronic datebases and e-libraries on the internet to mke readers find out books more easier.
3. 你觉得体育活动和图书馆会不会有一个需要花更多的钱呢?如果有,为什么?
回答: In my opinion, libraries may spend more money than do sports. First of all, in order to keep up with advenced knowledge and important information, libraries have to update their books and journales as quick as possible, which will cost much money. Second, changing now facilities in libraries, like bookselves, desks,and chairs as well, and repairing the libraries will need considerable amouts of money. Third, if universities dicide to build a e-library in the internet. The establishment of a website will require noticeable cost and also to keep the e-library running will posses a big part of the whole fund.
4. 对学生而言,参加体育活动有什么好处?去图书馆又有什么好处?两者比较一下。
回答: For a students, having proper sports can help students keep fit, build up a strong and healthy body and likewise relax thier minds. On the other hand, in libraries students not only acquir and review all knowledge and information from their professor, but also obtain much more knowledge which may be beyond their scope but beneficial to their future.
There is no doubt that sports activities play a considerably important role in cultivating healthy and profound students in universities. However, with limited educational funds, universities have to make a hard decision whether to offer an equal fanatical support to sports activities as libraries. Some people believe that since sports activities are just as important as libraries, sports should get the same amounts of money from universities as libraries, while others hold an opposite opinion. I agree with the second view that sports shouldn't get equivalent amounts of money. Because libraries get a more fundamental position in universities and also cost far more money than do sports activities
The first reason that libraries should receive more money is because libraries are vital to universities., In other word, compared with updating new sport facilities, such as basketballs and tennis rackets, purchasing new books and journals would be our first choice without hesitation,if there are fund conflicts. Actually, there is a universities report showing that major people think of plenty of education sources in libraries as one of the most remarkable conditions when they are asked to choose an ideal university. On the other hand, only five percent of people suggest sport facilities of good quality is taken into account. So without any doubt, since sports activities are second rank, they don’t deserve to get the same amounts of financial support as do libraries.
Another reason that sports activities aren’t able to have equal amounts of money is for they wouldn’t cost as much money as do libraries. For instance, the most amounts of money for sports activities is to buy renewal sport facilities, such as football, baseball bats or something like that. On the other hand, libraries have to purchase a large number of books, journals and newspaper everyday in order to keep up with the most advanced and improved knowledge and information all over the world, which definitely would spend tremendous fund, far more than sport facilities. Furthermore, modern universities' libraries are supposed to be available on the Internet. If universities make up their decision to build databases on the internet, an extra noticeable amount of money and a great number of people will be involved in the great project. So that’s the reason why libraries need much more money than sports activities.
In contrast, minor people may make their point that sports activities should acquire equal financial support from universities for a couple of reason. For example, doing exercise frequently would help students keep fit and build up strong bodies, which will benefit to them all lifetime. And universities have the responsibility of offering sufficient sports facilities and spacious playground for their students. Naturally, plenty of financial supports should be required.
Even though there are one or two reasons that sports activities should receive same amounts of money as libraries, I fully believe that if fund conflicts take part, universities should give the limited financial supports to libraries, for the basic function of libraries can never be exaggerate and budget of libraries would be largely more than sports activities. In a word, I argue that sports activities shouldn’t have same amounts of money as libraries.
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