GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蜗牛
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题类似于老GRE的ISSUE121"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species"。题目并不是要你阐述人类活动是否影响了物种灭绝,而是要阐述人类是否应该花费大量的人力物力来拯救濒危物种。因此,你可以考虑“无论是否是人类活动影响了物种灭绝,我们都应该(不应该)……”这样的思路。
1. 你知道哪些濒危物种?如果他们灭绝,会对人类造成影响么?如果会,那么是什么影响?
回答: dolphins,pandas,dugong,近twenty thoussand species濒临灭绝 物种灭绝是生物基因库的巨大损失,将会影响到人类生产、生活和自然界的生态平衡ecological balance ★Panda Snub-nosed monkey 保护生物的多样性。生物的多样性为人类提供食物、建筑、纤维、家具材料、药材和多种工业原料;生物多样性在保持土壤肥力、保证水质以及调节气候等方面发挥了重要作用;维持生物多样性,将有益于一些珍稀濒危物种的保存;生物的多样性能激发人们文学艺术创作的灵感。(2)保护生态平衡。野生生物一旦减少,生态系统的稳定性就要遭到破坏,人类的生态环境也就要受到影响。(3)野生生物对科学研究具有重大的作用。总之,保护生物资源也就是保护我们人类自己。
2. 在网上查查看,人类为了保护某种濒危物种,大约需要花费多少人力物力?给出具体的数据和例子。
回答: 为了保护濒危物种,全球每年花费476thousand, 为了保护birds,fishes,and mammals的habitat,全球每年花费over 75 billion dollors,purchase farmlnd和支付相关费用 ★当年Tennesse River上的一个dam即将竣工时,生物学家在河里意外发现濒危物种snail darter,考虑到大坝建成后将对蜗牛鱼的核心栖息地造成不可逆转(irreversible)的破坏,美国联邦最高法院大法官最终裁定,停止已耗资1.3亿美元的大坝修建工作,还蜗牛鱼一处栖身之所。一般濒危物种都不是一时造成的,保护起来很耗费人力物力
3. 物种灭绝会带来哪些问题,这些问题有什么解决方案?是否需要花费大量的人力和物力?
回答: 某一种物种的灭绝都会给生态平衡带来影响,会影响整个食物链(food chain),影响其他的物种的生存甚至灭绝买这种影响最终会影响到人类的生活。物种的diversity降低,生物基因库收到影响,影响人类的研究。人类一直在努力保护濒危的物种,花费了大量的人力物力。
4. 如果把拯救濒危物种的钱和人力等花在别的地方,你认为可以对人类做出哪些贡献?尤其是,这些贡献是否可以消除物种灭绝带来的影响?
回答: 这些钱可以用于科技研发、外太空探索explor the outer space,治疗疾病,完善社会制度等,但是这些不能消除物种灭绝的影响,因为任何一种用于其他地方的花费都没法弥补基因库的减少,改善生态平衡,而这种恶化如果一直积累,环境会持续恶化,最终物种的灭绝会带来人类的灭绝。
5. 人类的拯救行为效果如何?请举例说明。
回答: 建立、改善濒危动物的habitat,专人饲养,例如中国的大熊猫的保护就避免了它们的灭绝,但是这种人类的饲养有时候会使得动物丧失本来的wildness,无法再在自然的条件下生活,例如一些老虎、狮子等beast现在都不会自己hunt
With the exploited of the forests, the habitats of the wide animals are miniminized. Lossing the habitation makes the animlas have no place to live. This result partly because the human beings have been extending habitation which occuping the areas where the anials used to live. Nowadays, the speed of the extinction is accelerating, more and more species are leaving us without a sound. Although most of their extenction are result from the activities of human, it is too selfish to say that society should only save endangered sprcies.

Living right, generally, is the power given from the stronger one to the weaker one which is the principle of nature. Considering all the rights the animals have are those we proposed to give them. In this case, it is hard to say that animals have right themselve. People who want to take care of them, feed them, and prevent them from the extinction are due to the aspect of conscience. Getting the top of the world and controlling a lot of factors which are influenced a lot of living things, we also have the responsibility to help the weaker species. The higher level of the developed of the nation, the more concentration be taken on the prevent the animals. This reflects in the developed countries in which the people have taken more concentration in the prevention of animals. Because of this, with the develpement of the society, the human, whether have damadged the habitation of the animals or not, should have the conscience to save the exdangered animals.

On the other hand, we have been educated by animals all the time. Some of our techniques and inventions imitate the systems of the animals. The animals are the parts of the food chain which balance the ecology. And the ecological balance influence greatly on human. If we had lost a specie, it would minimize the gene deversity of the world. When gene pool is too poor to run, it would damage us in the end. From this aspect, preventing endangered animals seems to save us. There is no different between those who are endangered because of us and those who are not. Although the rule of the nature is that some species extiction while some species creation to a balance of sum, the speed of extiction are higher than the ceration these days. Even saving all the endandgered animals which are living today, we cannot create creatures to supplement the losted ones. Only to remedy the gene pool, we should do our best to save all endangered species without distinguishingly.

The governments almost spend 47thousands dollors per year to save endangered animals, which including the cost of purchasing the farmlands or regions for the habitation of the animals. It is a huge number; but it is worthwhile. Although we can spend this money to explore the outer spece, to study the science, to cure the medicial diseases, all of these cannot substitute the losing living creatures and add gene diversity to the gene pool. Even the we human are powerful enough, our intelligence cannot crate a single cresture by our techniques. When taking this into consideration, it is obvious that we should save the other creatures. Animals do not have right, but we should give them the chances to living rather than disappear.

In a nutshell, it is important for human to save endangered animals without distinguish which are caused by human activities. All creatures are equal. Standing on the top of the world, our resposibilty is to give the right for the animsla to live rather give them no opportunities to survival.
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