TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:还是大力呀
【IBT机经-11】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.
为了更好地理解题目,不妨把它划分为三个小单元“the effective leader(有效的领导者)”、“others(其他人)”、“part of a decision(决策的一部分)”,不难看出题目要讨论的是一名有效领导者的重要表现是让他人参与到决策中来。解决这个题目的突破点在于:1、了解一个有效的领导者应具备的重要素质;2、参与决策过程的人数多少和领导的有效与否之间的联系。
1. 请结合实际谈谈一个领导者应该具备哪些重要素质?其中,哪些素质决定了他(她)成为一名有效的领导者?
回答: 沟通能力,协调同事之间的关系,向上级领导汇报工作,合理分配工作;纵观全局的能力,考虑的全面,当机立断,机会机不可失,失不再来;善于用人。成为有效的领导者:做出合适的抉择与合理的分配工作任务。
2. 请结合实际谈谈制定决策对于领导全局的重要地位是什么?一个科学合理的决策的制定应该考虑哪些因素?
回答: 决策是领导能力的体现,当你做的岗位越高,你所做出的决策关系到更多的人,考虑的因素就会更多,妥协也就越大,好的决策可以造福更多的人。决策应该考虑到可行性,完成的时间,人员,支出,得到的收益,一些备选方案,如何应付突发事件。
3. 让其他人参与到决策中来一定会提高领导的有效性吗?会不会因为参与人数的增加而延长决策的耗时,导致领导有效性的降低?请结合具体事例来简述。
回答: 不一定会,因为不得不考虑到因此产生的负面效应,会产生这样的效果。 例子:美国的参议院和众议院开会,双方对一个问题进行争执和打仗,导致问题没法解决,甚至政府不得不因此关门,导致民众生活不方便,那些要签证出国的人啊。
4. 一名领导者的有效性还表现在其他哪些方面?有没有事例证明即使只有少数人在决策,该领导者仍然是有效力的呢?
回答: 领导的穿着和言行举止,有着很强的人格魅力,被人信服和尊敬。有,比如说指挥战争,基本上都是一些将军在指挥,士兵在打仗,但是决策仍然很有效。
5. 请结合具体事例来说明共同参与到决策中来对于大家来说会有哪些影响呢?
回答: 给大家一个机会参与到决策中,可以给他们锻炼自己的机会,从能力上有所提高,同时有种心理暗示:自己得到了重视,会产生强烈的归属感,会更好的工作。但是不排除有些人会滥竽充数,不真正的思考
at the first sight of the topic, it seems like making the team member participating in the decision is a prime aspect of the leadership.however, afterconsidering the effection of leadership and the relation bewteen number and effection. i disagree with the begin with, effective leading means making a decision rightly, without hesitate,especially in the once-in-life opportunity, allocate the work to member, control the risks and costs, having plan B.the growing number of individuals envovling the decision cannot guranteen a effective decision. a convincing example is the closed government in the USA.the controdiction between Congress and Senate lead to various departments in the USA keeping closed  as long as half month and thousands of works are delayed and postponed, which raises big trouble to the public.on the contrast, a small leading group can make sophicated plans especially during the the anti-Japnaese war, the number of captain in China is limited within a hundred but the soilder conducting the undertaking is over millions. at last, the great and justice Chinese people won under the conduction of these captain.secondly, the negative aspect of making decision have to be taken into account. more individulas making the decision, more time will be spend. time is money and chance. what is more, more people, more ideals.there is no decision can satisfy every member. just take the example of my class. the president of my class wants to hold a barbeque at the weekend and asks opinions of the locations. the whole class discussed it for several hours, someone says the central park is clean and someone is aganist for high prices, the rest class go nowhere other than the central park.several hours rang no last, what the member cares about is the profits and payoffs. if the decision of leader made brings high salary, most member, i believe will stick to it tightly. 
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