TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-16】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
1. 请举例说明电影和电视有哪些内容?
回答: 电影有科幻、爱情、科普、动画;电视有娱乐节目、电视剧、动画片
2. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生积极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 比如说励志的影片会让人充满斗志;名人演讲会帮助我们找到目标和榜样;教育类的节目会让我们学到知识;娱乐节目能让我们放松心情
3. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生消极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 黄色、暴力、低俗的节目会影响年轻人的价值观
4. 请举例说明影响到年轻人行为方式的原因有哪些?
回答: 年轻人的价值观和社会阅历并不丰富,他们可能会认为这样的行为很拉风、很酷,因而开始模仿里面的情节和动作
5. 在你看来,电影和电视会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 一部电影、一个电视节目并不会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性的影响,最主要的还是个人的经历以及生活的环境
now people have a wealthier life. we have more and more activities especially the entertainment activities such as movies, television shows. and parents are now worried about that movies and televisons would have more nagative effects than positive effects on the way young people's behave.but i think that they just amplify the effect they put on the teenagers. as far as i am concerned, the way people behave are mostly based on their experience and education, not the movies or television.movies are usually about fiction, love, science, etc. movies which are inspirational will do good to the teenagers, fulling with ambitions. speeches of famous people such as president Obama will help us find model and goal. televisions often about education, entertainment or plays. education shows will let us know knowledges we didn't know. entertainment shows will relax our minds or bring us much fun. and plays can let us experience some dramatic images that we never have. i just can't understand why they think they will do harm to the teenagers. do you really believe that just a movie or a television show will change our behaviors? how does that happened? however, we must admit that there are some scenes that really influence the way young people behave such as scenes with sex, violence and vulgar things. since young people don't have much experience about social and life, they can easily be influenced by these scenes. so they will think some bad behavior be cool or handsome. and they would imitate these behaviors or plots and even do like this in their everyday life.but still i strongly believe that what affect people's way of young people's behave is the education and his surrounding environment such as families and friends. just a movie or a television show will not do great harm to their behaviors.
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