TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-2】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If children want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies.
1. 要想取得好成绩,孩子们自身应该怎么做,家长应该怎么做?那些成绩优异的孩子具备哪些品质?他们的家长都起了哪些积极的影响?请结合实例简述。
回答: 要取得好成绩,孩子们首先应该努力学习,掌握科学的学习方法,同时注意劳逸结合,好的身体是优异成绩的基础。对于家长来说,最重要的是要对孩子给予鼓励,而不是一味的去逼迫孩子们学习,当然,在孩子学习的时候适当减少娱乐活动是必要的。但优秀的孩子通常都是会学习,爱学习的,外界对他们有一定的影响但不是决定性的影响。像我的表弟就是一个特别优秀的男孩,我的舅舅舅妈对他给予了足够的自由和空间,并不限制他的生活,但在他学习的时候会把电视的声音调小,把说话的声音压低,在他压力大的时候会带他放松,有时候发挥不好的时候不批评他,而是一起找出问题的所在
2. 观看电视电影和孩子的学习间有直接联系吗?如果有,对孩子的学习起哪些影响?哪些有利于学习,哪些不利于学习?请结合实例简述。
回答: 并没有直接影响的。观看电视电影的目的主要是,其一,放松娱乐;其二,扩大知识面。纪录片、新闻可以扩大视野,亲子节目拉近家人之间的关系;但暴力、色情等内容会对孩子们的学习生活产生极大地消极影响,他们会去使者模仿电影电视中的镜头,这是相当影响学习的
3. 限制了孩子们看电视电影时间,能否帮助孩子们提高成绩呢?有哪些原因会使孩子们学习成绩下降?除了电影电视之外,其他的因素有哪些?请结合实例简述。
回答: 不一定会提高成绩。孩子的成绩好坏基本上取决于自己的努力程度,沉迷网络游戏,对学习采取消极态度甚至厌学才是影响成绩的根本。早几年的中国,有多少人的青春实在网吧度过的,他们把网络游戏看得比任何事都重要,随之而来的就是辍学、打工,几乎可以说,网络游戏毁了多少少年的人生
4. 电影和电视的内容都有哪些?哪些是孩子们能看的?哪些是不能看的?请结合实例简述。
回答: 第一,娱乐八卦,这种内容是可以接触的,放松身心,娱乐自己,在紧张的学习之余获得放松是能够提高学习效率的;第二,教育纪实,这样的内容可以经常看一看,他可以扩大知识面,了解更多古今中外的事情;第三,色情、暴力电影,这样的内容还是不要接触的好,青少年辨别是非的能力比较弱,可能会下意识的模仿这类电影电视中的情节和动作,犯下不可挽回的错误
5. 限制了孩子们观看的时间长度就可以了吗?孩子们观看的内容是否有必要限制?请结合实例简述。
回答: 限制长度是一种治标不治本的方法,最根本的是应该合理选择电影电视的内容,限制孩子看一些不宜接触的节目。我上初中的时候,父母规定中午必须午睡,但有一段时间,我特别喜欢一类中午播出教育类节目,爸爸妈妈在看过一期之后觉得那对我的学习有好处,于是同意我在午睡时间观看,但晚上必须提前一个小时睡觉保证睡眠。这样,我既学到了知识,也没有耽误休息
now televisions and movies become the two kinds of essential ways to entertain. but should parents limit the hours of watching TV programs or movies to let their children get a high score in school?  this question has caused a fierce discussion among people. someone agree with that, while others not. but from my own prospection, the time of watching TV programs and movies has no direct influence on children's get a high score, children must work hard, obtain scientific method of study, and pay attention to the rest as well, since a healthy body may be the base of great success. as for the parents, the most important is to give encouragement to their children rather than forcing them to study harder and harder. of course, reasonable entertainment is a must. my cousin for example, he is a brilliant boy, and my uncle and ante give him the enough space to do his own work. they don't limit his life, so he can do whatever he want. but when he is studying, they will turn down the TV, and lower their voice of talking. while he has stress on study, they will relax him, such as traveling. so my cousin is always the best in his class.what TV programs and movies include is about entertainment, or education like records of actual events. children can know about these kinds of content to broad their horizons, get relax and them have a greater efficiency on study.what is more, this can help children do better in their study. besides, the high or low score typically base on how hard the children work. playing computer games with no limitation, having negative attitude to study are the fundamental factors that influence children's study. early times in china, great quantities of teenagers spend their times in the web bars. they treat the games more important than any other things in their lives. there is no doubt that computer games have ruined a large amount of children's my opinion, limit the time is not a effective way to the children. it is the contents that influence more on study. parents should not allow their children to watch such kind of program about sex or violate. they can let them watch some educational program that will help them with study.
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