GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:赵天龙Mamba
Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE195"The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus"。题目讨论政治家目标的问题,认为政治目标应当是寻求共同点和合理共识,而不是难以说清的理念。在分析的过程中,可以从政治家的职责和各种需求,单一理想和合理共识对政治家以及其相关内容的正负面作用等方面展开思考。对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应该孤立得去说三者各自的利弊,而是应当将三者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更应当是政治的目的。
1. 请列举几个在历史上有代表性的国家,分析其政治情况以及政治家的目的,这些政治目的带给了国家什么结果。
回答: 美国在政治上由民主党和共和党组成,民主党推崇民主独立,共和党强调保守主义,政治家为了各自的党派的利益而争权夺利,来维护自身党派的人民的利益。比如奥巴马推出医疗改革,目的是为了广大老百姓获得更好的医疗条件,为人民中大部分民主党派代表的群体谋取利益 古代中国封建王朝,中央集权,皇上一个人说的算,很多朝代民不聊生
2. 从政治本质上思考,政治行为的目的是要满足哪些需求?是要为哪些人服务?请分析并简述。
回答: 推动和促进国家和名族发展的进程。积极和具建设性地让个人的思想和行为对社会产生一定的作用。维护自己党派的利益。提供一个机制,满足社会有序的运转;维持社会安定和保障公平正义。立足点是为全体社会成员服务,但有些时候偏向于保障自身党派支持群体的利益。
3. 对难以说清的理念的追求是否满足政治家的目的?这样做会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 满足,政治家通过一些文字游戏将理念说得晦涩难懂,通过有利于自身利益的解释以求达到自己利益扩大化的目标。弊端:有时无法达到统一的理念,导致不同群众的不同理解,产生混乱,不利于国家的管理和团结
4. 对于共同点以及合理共识的追寻是否满足政治家的目的?这样做会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 满足,首先政治应该是亲民近民,立足于公共利益的,而共同点以及合理共识往往放映的是大多数人民的利益和希望。通过共同点和合理共识的建立政治家可以争取到人民的拥护和支持,从而打下一定的群众基础,可以为以后的政策实施和群众支持打下基础。比如奥巴马对伊拉克的撤兵以及对本拉登恐怖组织的打击都是符合广大人民利益的,从而挽回了一部分民众的支持。
5. 如果忽视共同点以及合理共识,而去追求难以说清的理念,会给政治家带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 失道寡助,得不到民众支持的政策实施难度大。有可能引起社会动荡
6. 如果忽视难以说清的理念,而全部去追求共同点以及合理共识,会给政治家带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 政治家除了考虑当前的问题,还应该有前瞻性和大局观,因此一定程度上需要提出一些新的观念或政策,即使目前是难以说清的,但是有利于国家政治制度的发展。而如果全部去追求共同点以及合理共识,那么整个社会只是表面的和谐,缺乏生气和进步。同时是政治家的管理需要。
In a modern society that is more democratic than in the ancient times, common ground and reasonable consensus seems much more favorable and desirable than elusive ideals for both politicians and populace. Yet, the aspiration of politicians should not be limited to merely these two aspects; their minds should be broadened to the general and long-term picture.
To begin with, the purpose of politicians is to win the support of the majority to maintian their government, therefore common ground and reasonable consensus would be most beneficial to them.
On one hand, common ground and reasonable consensus would be understandable and acceptable to the majority of populace, even to those uneducated ones. For the reason that not all of the masses could receive a profound and advanced education, those elusive ideals could be abstruse and inscrutable to most of them; rather, common ground ideas could be reachable to most of the voters. The the war of liberation in modern China as an example. To get the support of most people who were living misrable lives at that time, those revolationaries raised the slogans and war cries as "living a better life, having sufficient food supply, ensuring children carefree lives, living without worries and fears", which is most lucid and vivid to the populace, instead of "renew the political system of China, step into a more liberal China, enchance the status of China in the world", which is creating a recondite and faraway picture for people. Eventually, with the assitance of those common ground slogans, revolutionaries won the support of the majority and hence won the war.
On the other hand, common ground and reasonable consensus could carry out relevant policies more easily than elusive ideals. Accepting things that are similar to oneself's and rejecting those that are dissimilar is the nature of human beings. Therefore, strageties and policies that are based on the common ground and reasonable consensus could be carried out among populace more quickly and effectively. For instance, the policy of abolishing slavery in the United State of America was accorded with the wishes and ideas of most of the American citizens, and was desirable for them at that time. Consequently, although there were some reluctant voices, this policy has been carried out successfully and made a great contribution to the democratic and liberal development of America.
However, because the ultimate goal of politics is to ensure the continuous development of the government and hence improve people's living standard, therefore what politicians pursue should not be limited to the common ground consensus or elusive ideals; instead, it would be more practical and profitable for politicians to look further into the future, make decisions based on the interests of populace, and make efforts for the long-term progress of the nation. If the ideas are advantageous to the nation and its people, it would be rational for politicians to realize them, no matter they are common grounded or elusive.
In conclusion, common ground and reasonable consensus would be favorable to politicians to some extand. But it would be irrational for politicians to confine their aspiration in these two aspects. With the ultimate destination, politicians should pursue the best interests of the nation and its people.
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