TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SY
【IBT机经-15】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1. 什么叫做好的消费方式?衡量一种消费方式好与坏的标准是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 应该是理性的,有计划的消费 是否真正实用,并对身心健康、社会环境不会造成破坏
2. 你认为宠物消费是一种好的消费方式吗?如果是,为什么?如果不是,请说明理由。
回答: 不是 相关的开发出了包括美容、衣服、医疗等内容丰富的经济链条,消费过高,不是普通家庭所能承受的 例如:宠物美容:一次SPA可花120元,有些宠物衣服售价接近小孩衣服,还有食品,专门玩具等等 人们投入的精力过多:定时喂食 散步 到处排泄会造成环境污染
3. 宠物消费都包含哪些内容?这些消费数量大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 美容、衣服、医疗、食品 很大,据北京首届宠物联展组委会的资料显示,全国至少有各种宠物1亿只,而每年人们花在宠物身上的钱就有15亿元人民币,这个数字还在不停地增长。
4. 一般来说,饲养宠物的人都具备哪些特点?宠物消费对他们来说负担会很大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 追求时尚个性化的年轻人 老年人 会
5. 在饲养宠物的同时,他们是否会有其他方式来消费呢?请结合实际简述。
    With the rising of the standard of living ,pets are becoming more and more polular .People relatively developed a wide range of economic chain including pet grooming ,pet clothing ,pet food and pet health.Some people are more likely  to spend their money on their pets rather than on other aspects.But in fact,excessive consumption on pegs aren't absolutely rational.    It's hard-earned money,so we encourage a good pattern of consumption for it plays a significant role in people's daily expense.A good pattern of consumption is ,essentially ,the way to rationally purchase something that are in your actual needs.However,most people have an unrational attitude to pet consumption.In order to seek fashion and personality,some young people have to afford a much high price on pet products.Such as some pet clothes are more expensive than that of children.Based on the data,the amount of the pets has been at least reached to 1 billion as well as the money spending on the pets totaled 15 million.Moreover,the number is constantly growing.    Even though pets have the advantages of being cute,companying and loyal,I believe keeping pets have their downside,too.For example,you are more focused on their care.You have to feed them on time and go for a walk with them at least twice a day.It seems like you belongs more to your pet than to your family .You would also encounter the problem that you can't participate in your friends' party after work because it's time for you to feed them.You may pass up the opportunities to strenthen the friendship .Also,pet waste spoils the appearance of cities because some people don't take responsibility of cleaning the waste of pets.The pet waste has been left out for days and starts to smell.There is a bad influence on our environment.    Admittedly,people always enjoy the companion of pets because pets can bring a lot of fun to our life.However,sadly,most pets' lives are shorter than people,they can't spend a lifetime with you .Therefore, I still hold my opnion that people shouldn't spend excessive money on their pets.
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