GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yttt9999
The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE中的ISSUE36原题,和老GRE中的ISSUE241很相似(An individual's greatness cannot be judged objectively by his or her contemporaries; the most objective evaluators of a person's greatness are people who belong to a later time),都是在讨论评价者“合理性”的问题。实际情况是同代人和后代都在对“某人”进行评价,二者的视角、关注点、参考信息等因素都存在不同,这些不同也就影响了评价的效果。在分析的时候可以根据不同领域、不同事件以及不同的标准来展开思路。
1. 在你的印象中不同领域和不同层次的伟人有什么共性和个性?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 都有着非凡的人格。例如布鲁诺,为了真理而献出了自己的生命。或者是像马丁路德金,为了伟大的解放运动献出了自己的生命。又比如曼德拉,为了南非人民的解放献出了自己宝贵的时光。
2. 评判一个人是否伟大的时候,有没有一个普遍适用的标准?如果有,那么这个标准中包括哪些内容?如果没有,那应当如何去评判?
回答: 存在。一个人对社会产生的价值。
3. 后世人的评判和同代人评判有什么共性和区别?在这些区别中有哪些是后世人具有的优势,而且是同代人没有办法弥补的?
回答: 后世人会更加的subjective,同时能看到他们在未来人类社会中产生的不可磨灭的影响。
4. 是否存在后代评价和同代人的评价差别很大的人物?造成差别的原因是什么?请结合具体事例说明。
When this world consider whether a individual is outstanding or not, the influence of individuals' contribution to the world always put on the priority list. Retrospecting the history, we can easily find that the great individuals share some shinny charicteristics, that is brave, diligence and so on. When contemporaries assess whether a indicidual is great enough or not, they just consider that whether the indicidual earn a much better living standard for the averages or whether the indicidual do some irreplaceable works that push a filed of study to new stage. However, for the prople who live after this indiciduals they will regard them much comprehensivly.
It is ture that a part of persons honered with contemporareis and the people who lived after them. For instance, Martin Luther King as a brave combattant in the war fight aganist slavey, in his live time, he was supported by the native American and when long time after he was murderned, people also consider him as a hero. Because in his live time, he was proper right for the contemporaries and in this way, he can draw a lot of attention from outside world. Meanwhile, as a leader of justicial works, even through long time after his death, some researcheres was doubted his stage in American's role in Viterman war, are accepted by worldwild as a shedstone in American's history.
Simply sum, contemporaries use comtemporary sociaty as a rule to judge whether a individual is great enough. In this way, they may ignore the consequial influence the individual bring to this world, beacause no one can predict the future world precisely. However, a greatness of a people must be eternal which means it cannot be changed by the social stage or other outside environment.
In this way, a greatness of people need and must be determined by the people after them. Mender, father of heredity, is underappraciated for more than 30 years. Mender combined mathmaticals, statisticals and  
botany finally draw a rule of heredity of specices. His dissertation was not catch people's attention since his research was too surrealistic to understand by the contemporaries. In anther word, his great finds was put aside for more than 30 years and about 10 years after his death, three scientists proven Mender heredity theory individly. Until that day, the prestige of Mender in heredity was established.
Another reason for the underappraciate of Mender was from his accentric action in that society. He refused to obey governments' unreasonable recommand and used eight years to plant peas just to draw a conclusion that cannot be accepted by the comtemporaries. In that time, beacause of the publish of Origin Of species, most botanies was fixed their eyes on the process of evolution of species. In this way, it is easily understand Mender's failure in that time.
Nowaday, many individuals who were underestimated in their time is proven to be great individuals. As a going says, the gold will shine. The greatness of individual can be decided only by the people who live after them since this greatness is tested by the time and eventually get it's name.

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