GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:weiqiaoyi
Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE69原题。题目讨论政府限制对科研的作用。给出的观点认为政府限制对科研存在负作用,应当尽可能得少。本题的分析可以从物质需求和非物质追求两个角度展开,同时还可以针对“few, if any”三个词进行论述。
1. 从政府角度,如何判断某件事的是有利还是有害的?哪些事情是政府关注的?
回答: 1. 利于完成国家战略目标的是有利的;2. 解决现存的制度、民生问题的是有利的;3.给国家和民族带来自豪的是有利的。
2. 从科学研究的角度,其结果会对被政府关注的事物产生什么样的影响?(可以从医学、物理、化学、生物、天文、地理、人文等方面思考)
回答: 1. 某项科学结果被政府关注容易引起跟风现象
3. 如果政府对科学研究完全放开不管,给予最大支持,有求必应,会有什么结果?
回答: 1. 跟风现象严重,会对其他非科研行业造成打击;2. 学术腐败;3. 学术造假
4. 如果政府对科学研究进行严格限制,谨小慎微,又会有什么后果?
回答: 1.若限制经济支持,则科研设备的供应困难,影响科学实验的完成,阻碍科学发展; 2.若限制资源,原料来源少,尤其一些稀有材料,影响发展,人才流失;3.若限制人员培养,则科研力量容易被削弱
5. 科学研究和发展需要一种怎样的平衡才能算做最健康的发展环境?
回答: 1.经济方面,政府按一定比例补贴,科研工作室可以与企业挂钩;2
I disagree with that scientific reserch and development should not be restricted by govenment as the speaker says. In my view, the scientific deveelopment is neccessarily be constrainted in case high risk, wasteful or harmful consequences of scientific researches.
I concede that researches in science is more creative without restrictions by government or social. For dealing with unknown world, that the scientists break normals and are full of creative ideas is criticle.
However, there are other needed factors lead to great results of scientific researches beside exploring unknown. War is a prime example that rapidly accelerates scientific development. After World War II, gradually mature physical science in micro world phenomenon, like studies reveal actions of molecules and atoms, extemely give rise to the development of high-intensity weapons. Lacking political common ground and restriction of governments, and justified excuse of fighting the war, so many countries that attacted by those weapons, like Japan, were in disaster or negatively influenced so far. When it comes to the practice ,where scientific reseach will put, involves war, attaction, or any events harmful to common people's lives and possessions, the restriction by government is especially needed. 
In general, almost every scientific research has both positive and negative results. The pros and cons should be exactly assessed and weighed by government. That government intervenes and restricts a scientific research can probably minimise the risk and harm of it, while maximize the benefits. Thanks to govenment restrcitions that Clone techonology, with emorous benefits, is not developing strongly or even shakes our social morals and values.
Government constrains whereas should be reasonably, which requires exactly assessment mechanism in evaluating the potential and values and harms, whatever of environment or human society, of a scientific reseach. And this is the respondibility of government to ensure the safety of people and resource not be wasted.
Nowadays, it is almost a common sense that no advanced science and technology means no power to be strong for a nation. Even we are in a peace illusory, there are more and more conflicts beneath. Without restriction of developing scientific reseach foucusing invent more harmful weapons, the Third World War is coming soon.

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