GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:小芹颖
Politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusive ideals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE195"The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather the search for common ground and reasonable consensus"。题目讨论政治家目标的问题,认为政治目标应当是寻求共同点和合理共识,而不是难以说清的理念。在分析的过程中,可以从政治家的职责和各种需求,单一理想和合理共识对政治家以及其相关内容的正负面作用等方面展开思考。对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应该孤立得去说三者各自的利弊,而是应当将三者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更应当是政治的目的。
1. 请列举几个在历史上有代表性的国家,分析其政治情况以及政治家的目的,这些政治目的带给了国家什么结果。
回答: 中国清朝,觉得其他国家都比较落后,没有必要往来,同时为了边界的安全实行闭关自守的政策,结果导致战争大爆发,生灵涂丹。 日本这次改革始于1868年明治天皇建立新政府,日本政府进行近代化政治改革,建立君主立宪政体;经济上推行“殖产兴业”,学习欧美技术,进行工业化浪潮;并且提倡“文明开化”,社会生活欧洲化,大力发展教育等措施。这次改革使日本跻身于世界强国之列,是日本近代化的起航,但是也使日本走上了对外侵略扩张的军国主义道路,对亚洲邻国造成了沉重的灾难。
2. 从政治本质上思考,政治行为的目的是要满足哪些需求?是要为哪些人服务?请分析并简述。
回答: 实现政治家的个人理想,国家更加强大,人们生活水平得到提高;社会良好运作。
3. 对难以说清的理念的追求是否满足政治家的目的?这样做会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能,
4. 对于共同点以及合理共识的追寻是否满足政治家的目的?这样做会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 123
5. 如果忽视共同点以及合理共识,而去追求难以说清的理念,会给政治家带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 浪费大流量的人力和物力在不必要的事情上---》老百姓怨声载道---》不收人民爱戴---》下台。 导致国与国之间的矛盾---》战争
6. 如果忽视难以说清的理念,而全部去追求共同点以及合理共识,会给政治家带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 政治无法得到进步,
Should politicians pursue common ground and reasonable consensus or elusice ideals. It is a goal of politics to searching for common ground and reasonable consensus. However, the pursuit of an ideal is also the goal of the politicians. And most of the time these two issues are not mutually exclusive.The goal for the politics of a nation is to ensure that the nation runs with a minium of contention an develops in a farvorable direction. To achieve it, the politicians need rule out the needs of the majority of its people and search for common ground and reasonble consensus. If needs and willings are frequently ignored, the citizen will resist and make the policies break away practical significance. Futher it does harm to the foreign affairs, since common  ground and resonable consensus are the foundation for people, with different culture to communicate, to cooperate and to make contribution of human. North Keroa is a good count example.Regardless the appearing for peace and harmony, North Keroa is stubborn research of the nuclear weapons. Thus suffered isolated and heavily criticized from the out world, which is do harm to the development of the country. What's worse, not well communicating with other countries in the oversee, and not establish the democratic mechanism in the domestic, it is not hard to imagin how abject and poor lives of its people.However, the ideas of one segment of the public, no matter how vocal, sometimes does harm to the whole nation as well as themselves as a result of their limited knowledge and viewpoint. Therefore, it is politicians who must remain clear-headed facing the need to make right choicews. Before the China's reform and opening up , most people, including the majority of the government officals take it for granted that we should advocate public ownership, and restraict to private ownership, and carryed out planed economy policy. Sounded ridiculous today, but it did exist, even prevail during that period, and it isTeng Hsiao-ping,without him we may still take the stupid view for granted, who reverised the situation. He brought up the reform and opening up policy and market economy, from then on, the economy, the qualiality lives of people,  the national defence and diplomacy of our country has been dramatically enhanced.Most of the time, reasonabkle sonsensus and a political ideal need not be mutually exculsive. Such as an ideal of peace, the desire for a more safe and harmony world, and the pursue for progress. For this similarity, the goal of politics is also the reasonable consensus. Each field need theory to conserve its elite and guild the practice, and every theory need continual refine and innovation, such it is inadvisable to advise a poliotic to stop chasing elusive ideals, which may be necessary for the evelopment of politics. For example, the reform and opening up of China, not only increase the speed  development of economy and people's lives, it also brought about theory innovation,  socialism with Chinese characteristics. Its essence is that we should consider the reality when make any policy and what have been successful  practised in capitalist countries can and should be learned from.In sum, I do disagee with the statment that  politicians should pursue common ground and reasonable consensus rather than elusice ideals. Considering the goal of politics and the limited version of the majority of  people, and the necessary of  ecusive ideads for development of politics, I suggest a comprehensive consideration. Futher, these tow aspects are not exculive  most time, so taking exreme attitute is not a smart politician will do.
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