TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kathykira
In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position.
1. 你自己吸烟吗?你或者你认识的朋友吸烟一般在什么地方?
回答: 不吸。 在卫生间,在户外。
2. 吸烟的危害有哪些?
回答: 影响自己的健康,家人的健康。
3. 吸烟除了对吸烟者本身有危害,对周边的人有影响吗?
回答: 有。 二手烟对人造成的健康危害更大。 很多人不喜欢香烟的味道。
4. 你觉得这个法规还有什么可以改进的地方?
回答: 应该设立单独的吸烟区。 因为马上让所有吸烟人戒烟是不现实的,要有一定的缓冲。
As the develop of medicine, smoking becomes more and more related to many disease which threatened people's lives. In order to deal with this tough issue, many countries start out some solutions. One of them is to forbid smoking in public places and office buildings. In some distances, I would say this method is necessary.
First of all, places metioned above-public places, office buildings- are the ones that have numbers of people. If there is no resistence in smoking, many people would be effected. So to speak, the environment would became worse. Moreover, recent research turns out that second-handed somking harmed people more than first-handed.
In addition, this is a feasible method to help public reduce even stop smoking. As we all know, smoking could lead many kinds of disease. The far reaching study of the relation between lung cancer and smoking forced us to do something about this social issue. As many smokers who are chemically addicted to nicotine cannot cut down easily, the rule which set up by government could help them.
But, if this rule could be given some modification, the consequence would be better. In my opinion, some special somking eare should be set up at both public places and office buildings. The reason is same as last paragraph- they just not easy to quit smoking that quick.
All in all, this is a good way to supervise people not to smoke and lead a healthy life.
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