GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:sun_573
Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws"。出自马丁·路德·金的两种法律观(Two Concepts of Law in Martin Luther King)--“法有好坏、善恶的区分。换言之,法律有两种即公正的法律和非公正的法律。人们不仅有法律义务,也有道义责任,去服从公正的法律。同时,人们也有道义的责任不服从非公正的法律。因为,不公正的法律根本就算不上是法律”。题目首先将法律进行了分类,进一步给出了人们如何应对两种法律的建议。可以对法律内涵、社会中的个人权利以及义务等概念,以及概念之间彼此的关系展开分析。同时,在评判法律公正与否的时候需要注意,将思路放开,不要局限于某时某地。
1. 评判法律公正与否的标准是否存在?公正的法律有哪些?不公正的法律有哪些?请举例并简述。
回答: 存在,是否符合大多数人的利益。 符合大众利益的法律 违法大众利益的法律
2. 人们的责任都有哪些?人们为什么会被安排某些责任,又为什么需要履行自己的责任?
回答: 维持社会平稳。
3. 公正的法律对社会大众有什么作用?人们去遵守公证法律的原因是什么?如果不遵守,会有什么后果?
回答: 约束
4. 不公正的法律对社会大众有什么作用?人们有必要去违抗和抵制不公正法律么?如果有们为什么?违抗和抵制的后果会是什么?
回答: 危害
5. 社会里的个人对于法律应该采取何种应对方式呢?遵守的方式都有哪些?违抗的方式又有哪些?
What are laws?  It is stated that law is better than the rule of any individual.  Laws are a symbol that a force regulates our behaviors, since we are social citizens, we structure the society, from which helps society cooperates as a whole. Nowadays, we obey laws, however, there is a doubt whether our laws are 'just', and whether we should obey the just laws and disobey the unjust laws.  In this iusse, we are expected to balace the nature of laws and the attitude to laws. On these two parts, from my point of view, I support the proposal that we shoud obey the just laws and diobey the unjust laws.
     Someone would well likey to be suspicious of distinguishing the laws from just ones to unjust ones, in other words, they may suspect the possibilities to evaluate the sense of justice of laws.   Are there some standards to define the sense of justice of laws?  Yes.  Laws are just, says Aquinas, in three conditions, when they are ordained to the common good, when they are within the lawmakers' limits of power, when the burdens imposed are in due proportion with a view to the common good. We need these kind of laws to help us manipulate our unjustifiable desires, to help society control its order, dispute settlements and proceed social changes.
     However, even if we have the stanards to measure the characteristcs of laws, is it neccessary for us to obey the defined just laws?  As we know,  'just' and 'unjust' are relative concepts, once the 'just' is ditorted,  there is no need for us to obey the so-called just laws.  For example, an abitrary ruler owned a legislation power of the whole co untry, he made laws only to meet his and aristocracy's demand, and regulated them as just laws.  In autocratic age, is was more than just normal, yet this kind of 'just' laws did not cater to the public. The real problem is under which circumstance and to what extent we are bound to comply the unjust arrangements.  If the laws are just to the unjust society, we are expected to change the society and make new rules.
     In a just society, the just laws help society control its order, dispute settlements and proceed social changes, whereas unjust laws are possible to ruin the civil rights.  When the laws deviate from publicly reconized norms,  an appeal to the society's sense of justice is presumably possible to some extent.  Additionally, unjust laws would intend to disorder the operations of state apparatus, resulting in the people's disatisfactions to the country, the disabilities of governments, chaos filled in society, and finally reach the end.
     Even if the proccess of  judging the sense of justice of laws needs a long time, and of establishing the standards of judgement costs lots of money and manpower, it is still worthy to obey just laws in just society.
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