GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙晓琳
Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people"。题目讨论对荒地原始状态保持的问题,题目认为这种措施是“应该执行”的。在分析的过程中,可以从国家责任本身要考虑的内容、荒地原始状态的保持满足了哪些需求、荒地对人们生活的正负面和直接间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体事例分析:哪些荒地因为政府没有进行有效保护,给人们带来了负面影响;有哪些原始荒地因为政府的开发而带来了更多的价值?
回答: 比如城市周边的荒地,因为没有一些制度上的规定,有属于两个区域的交界地,荒地被一些杂乱堆放的垃圾所覆盖,而且还没有人清理,给生活在周围的人们造成了负面影响,比如环境的污染,水源的污染,空气的污染,传染病。 比如有些城市的荒地,由于政府的进一步开发,建成了居民区,卫星城A satellite town or satellite city,促进了城市的发展
2. 对国家而言,处于原始状态的公有荒地存在哪些直接价值和潜在价值?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 公用荒地的潜在经济价值:可以吸引一些旅游,就会有一定的的经济价值。科技价值:公用荒地处在原始状态可以为科学家研究原始自然发展,植被变化,水土保持提供了重要的参考价值。在政治角度,会有一些道义上的保护自然地考虑,与自然和谐共处的考虑。在军事方面,荒地可以为秘密军事活动提供更好的掩护
3. 除了保持荒地原始状态之外,国家还可以利用荒地进行哪些活动?这些活动的直接价值和潜在利益有哪些?可尝试从经济、科技、政治、军事、教育、文化等角度思考。
回答: 除了保持荒地原始状态,国家还可以进一步优化旅游项目,增加直接的经济收入,还可以通过建立自然保护区,为科学的发展研究提供范本。 同时还可以利用荒地进行军事的训练和军事的武器测试。
4. 对于的荒地,应该如何平衡开发与保持原状态的利弊?请结合以上分析做判断。
回答: 开发荒地进行一系列建设,如果计划合适且预期的收益大于保持原始状态所有可能能带来的收益,就可以进行开发。
5. 国家在保持公有荒地原始状态过程中的收益是否大于付出?
回答: 国家在保持公有荒地的原始状态过程中不一定大于也不一定小于,这要考虑荒地本身的大小,保持荒地的难易程度以及荒地所带来的潜在的利用价值之间进行比较
in the protection of the environment, preserving the remaining wilderness areas is an important method, especially this method can also contribute to the protection of endangered species and the environment of the related areas. nations should pass laws to preserve the remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, whether these areas could be developed for economic gain needs further consideration.
in some areas, although it is difficult to judge whether the remaining wilderness areas is worthy, considering the possible incomes for the economic gain, the latent benefit for the environment and the long-term profits is quite obvious. Consider the example that there is lake in a small town. It can provide sancturary for the wild species, especially flocks of birds in their immigrations, and the protential endangered species, such as all kinds of plants. when this lake is taken as a area of factory, it can increase the revenue of local government by collecting more taxes, but in the long-term, it can protect the species and environment and the biodiversity of the whole nation from jepordy caused by man-related activities. And nations should pass laws to preserve this remaining wilderness for its protential environmental value.
the preservation of the remaining wilderness areas and the economic gain is not complete controversible, when the preservation can attract tourists and visitors to these areas and the revenues can be also profitable if the cost of remaining wilderness fields are not so cost to the extent that the magnitude of the cost is grave. in some areas of Afirca, the running of the states is depending on the incomings of visiting and tourists. And if the tourism has been shut down by the government to seek for economic use, the government revenues in Africa nations will get worse.
In some other cases, the locations of the wilderness and the environmental values of these areas may be not suitable to force the nations to pass laws just to preserve. Also consider the example of the lake, if the lake is located in the middle of the city, and it is unfortunately polluted long time ago, then the government could still try to preserve the lake with efforts of eliminating pollution, introducing clean water resource, and even building a park around the lake. So in preserving the lake, the nations can still benefit from it. In other cases, if the lake is amost arid, and the economical gains is very obvious, then in my viewpoint, the government will not be reluctent to use this area to build malls, shopping center, factories, apartment and so on.
whether these areas could be developed for economic gain needs case to case analysis such as the financial
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