TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:_王思齐
【IBT机经-17】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.
题目讨论的是哪种能力对于工作来说更重要,写作的关键在于分析这两个不同能力的特点和作用是什么, 写作的难点是找出实际生活中相对应的工作。
1. 一个新环境往往具备哪些特点?人们适应一个新环境的过程往往是怎样的?这个适应过程是只有少数人具备的吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 周围的人是陌生的,地理不熟悉,风土人情不熟悉。 通过人与人交流建立人与人之间的联系,通过不断经历,熟悉风土习俗,和地理环境。每个人都有这种能力,但是有的人适应的特别快,有的人很慢。适应快的人能更快更好地投入到手头工作中。 比如我们公司搬到新的一个城市,我的朋友TOM很快就适应了这里的生活。他很快找到了这个城市最大的超市,买东西非常方便。而我一直不知道那个超市在哪里,于是在买日用品上花费了很多时间。于是TOM有更多的时间用来休息。
2. 专业知识的重要作用是什么?它能够帮助我们做好哪些事情?请结合实际简述。
回答: 专业知识使我们能更有效的工作。 比如我和Tom 都是学计算机的,我能更快的写出需要的代码。
3. 什么样的工作要求我们适应环境的能力更强些,为什么?这些工作有什么样的特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 和别人交流的工作需要我们适应能力更强,因为我们的工作环境一直在改变。比如说记者,他们需要在不同的环境来采访,比如要去不同的国家,他们要快速的适应那里的文化,习俗,这样才能有效的采访,获得自己想要的信息。比如,我们去一些国家采访,在那里两个人之间见面要互相碰鼻子问好,如果我们不知道这些,会被认为是对他们的不尊重,我们的采访工作就不能完成。
4. 什么样的工作需要我们具备出色的专业知识?专业知识是如何帮助我们做好这些工作的呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一些科学研究工作需要更多地专业知识。因为研究工作的工作环境是不会经常变化的,专业知识让我们更有效的工作,比如数学运算,写代码。
5. 干好一份工作需要哪些方面的能力?上述两种能力以外,其他方面的能力对于工作起到什么重要的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 需要专业知识,适应环境能力,和别人沟通交流能力。都对工作产生了影响。
    As modern society develops, people have to possess more skills to deal with more problems brought by the heavy load of work. However, the rapid changing speed of the work environment among us can never be ignored. The ability to adapt new environment means a lot to one's success. Even though some believe that outstanding knowledge for a job is of the most importance, from my own perspective, the adaption ability plays the most significant role in one's career life.     First, people all over the word affected enormously from the rapid change of society, as well as the environment among us. Life abounds with such example. With the development of science and technology, an increasing number of people begin to work online, searching internet become the most convenient way to acquire knowledge and get information.  However, my friend Tom cannot adapt to this change. He still stick to the tradition way: he goes to the library to find the information and search the useful data. Though he spends lots of time in the library, it is hard for him to find the available information and the data are always run out of date. Whereas, with the help of internet, we can acquire these useful and latest information or data in a few minutes . Without any doubt, the ability to adapt to the new working environment is of considerable important .    Second, sometimes we have to go to work in different places, for example, last year I was sent to work abroad.  My working and living environments changed thoroughly. The people there always work to midnight and love spice foods which I can hardly adapt to these custom. My working efficiency declined rapidly. I tried my best to get used to the working hours and the eating habits and my efficiency raised remarkably.     However, the outstanding knowledge for a job is also a vital ingredient of career success. Without the excellent knowledge, we can hardly find a job and it help to lift us to a new height.    According to all these reasons above, though excellent knowledge for a job can never be ignored to contribute to a successful carer, I strongly convince that the ability to adapt to a novel environment is the most important factor leading to the final success.
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