GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
政府不应该去资助任何预期结果不明确的科学研究 。[说明:写一篇文章,讨论你对于这个政策的观点,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要考虑这个政策生效以后可能带来的结果,并解释这些结果如何支持了你的观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE44"Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences, either medical or ethical, are unclear"。题目实际上是讨论结果不明确的科学研究是否有价值,是否应该获得政府支持的问题。分析的重点应该是两个:一是研究结果的确定性是否和研究的价值有关系;二是政府投资应该考虑哪些问题。
1. 描述一个结果并不确定的研究内容,并分析这一研究是否有价值,为什么?
回答: 火星上是否可以住人。研究成功,人类就可以搬过去;不成功,人类对于火星的了解又更进一步。
2. 从政府角度出发,判断某一研究是否有价值的依据有哪些?
回答: 是否能为该国家的科技、社会、文化、经济、政治等方面做出贡献。是否有利于人类文明的发展。
3. 描述一个国家支持的研究项目,其结果在研究前是不确定的。分析研究后产生的结果给国家带来了什么好处和问题。
回答: 预先分析研究后果可以为国家是否为这个项目投入资金以及资金的多少作为依据。有时可以限制一些可能产生不良后果的研究。但是,过于关注研究的结果而忽略研究本身也容易使政府忽视一些看起来结果难以被运用到实际中,或者结果难以得知的研究,忽略了研究本身的意义,失去了研究可能带来的一些其他的东西。
4. 科学研究通常会给国家、社会和人类带来什么好处和问题?请举例说明。
回答: 好处很多,促进社会发展什么的,坏处总归是并行的,比如原子弹啊克隆技术是什么的。
Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear.
The ultimate purpose of scientific research is to make a conrtibution to the progress of human civilization, and the results and influences could not be accurately predicted before carried out. Therefore, it would be unreasonable and impractical governments to decide whether to fund a scientific research or not merely based on the presumption of its consequences.
To begin with, to some extent, it would be rational for governments to make a prejudgement about the value of a scientific research. Because the funds of governments are limited, and if the research is for vicious practise, the consequences would be disasterous. Also, if the results of the scientific research could not be put into practical use, which means of little value from the prospective of governments, a considerable amount of input on the research would be a waste of resources and time.
However, in fact, the consequences of a scientific research could not be accurately predicted before the final conclusion and the applying of these results in the real world. As a commonsense, scientists would make a hypothesis based on the previous experience and theories before researches and studies, and make an assumption of how the final results could benefit the nation for the applying of funds. But no one would be able to predict the consequences of a event before its happening: some promising researches might end up with catastrophy, while some researches that did not seem so advantageous might carry out a significant progress. Take the clone technology as an example. Before the research on clone technology, governments and scientists expected that its success would enable the replication of human organs, which would save millions of people's lives, and it might also help human beings to enhance their gene. But there is a problem that if the clone technology would be able to replicate human beings, how do people define these clone people? And if the technology were to be used in the war, would it be a calamity? Also, what if those wicked characters of a person would be carried to the clone people? We have no idea whether the success of research on clone technology would be a fortune or a misfortune before it actually happens.
Moreover, as told by history, the consequences of a scientific research could not be completely advantageous or completely disadvantageous, the benefits and problems are always come along hand in hand. One of the telling examples would be the scientific research on atomic energy. Initially, the destination of the research was to find a more effective, powerful and environmental-friendly energy for the human society. While the success of the research do make a considerable conrtibution to the development of use and discovery of energy resources, it also produced the atom bomb, which is used in the world and have a catastrophic consequence: the terrible scene in the two cities of Japand is still vivid in our memory, and the disputes of whether a nation should store atom bombs or not is continued for decades, which has carried out other wars.
Actually, the essence of scientific research is not merely about whether its result would be beneficial or not, or about how could the result be applied in the practical area; rather, it is about how it could benefit our human civilization. Therefore, what governments should concern is not about the clear or unclear consequences of a scientific research; instead, it would be more sensible and adviseable for governments to put more of their attention on how to make full use of the benefits that the scientific result would bring us and try their best to reduce the negative impacts that it might make.
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