GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE190"As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money"。题目讨论公共资源支持艺术发展的合理性问题,题目认为相对于艺术,资金更应当用于解决社会基本问题(饥饿、失业)。在分析的过程中,可以从社会基本问题和艺术发展各自的重要性以及忽视之后可能带来的直接和间接后果、资金支持在二者发展之中的必要性以及效率效果等方面展开思考。对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 对于社会基础问题以及艺术发展,现在各国的投资支持态度是如何的?请描述具体某国家的情况,并评价其是否合理以及原因。
回答: 各国都致力于解决社会基础问题,改善人民生活水平。国家也会拨款资助艺术的发展。但是,在有一部分第三世界贫困国家,政府不但没有多余的资金发展艺术,连人民的基本生活水平都无法保障。
2. 社会基础问题(饥饿、失业)得不到解决会对社会产生哪些不良影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 民生问题的得不到解决,人民无法得到安定无忧的生活,会产生反抗情绪,不利于社会稳定;人民连基本的生活都没有保障,就更不用提其他方面的发展了。
3. 在社会基础问题解决之前是否其他任何投资行为都是不合适的?能否因为社会基础未得到解决就不去用公共资源支持艺术?请解释其中的原因。
回答: 并不是都不合适的,也不是基础问题无法解决就不能支持艺术。贫困问题的解决需要花费的时间和精力是相当庞大的,并不是把公共资源都投资到里面就能彻底解决。相反地,贫困问题的解决应该从根上入手。即人民的教育和思想的培养。艺术的发展就是一个很好的途径。
4. 如果一个国家专注于改善其社会基础而忽视了艺术发展,该国的发展会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 人民的基本生活虽然有了保障,但是即使大家都过上了富裕的生活,没有艺术的熏陶和培养,人民的素质水平也不会高,因此也不利于国家文化、社会、教育的发展,更不利于国家长远的发展。
5. 社会基础问题和艺术二者之间存在哪些相互影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 社会基础问题是艺术发展的基础和前提条件。艺术的发展反过来可以熏陶人民的情怀,提高民众素质,开化民众的思想,有利于社会基础问题的彻底解决。
Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed.
In this highly developed modern world, there are still groups of people who are still living a impoverished life some where on the earth. When we spend hundreds of dollars to enjoy a concert, appreciate those fascinated paintings by great aritists, collect works of those gifted writers, those people who are under the poverty line are worried about next meal. While it might seem crucial that government fund for the arts when significant numbers of the citizens are hungry or unemployed, but the development of art is indispensible to a nation, and it could also help the government to solve the poverty and unemployment problems.
To begin with, we have to admit that in some extremely poor country, where money and resources are in dire need, it is reasonable and practical for governments to spend their fundings mainly in solving the foundamental social problem-poverty. These countries might not have money even for their own governments' operation, and the basic needs of citizens, such as clean water, sffucient food for survive, and dwelling places could not be ensured. In this kind of situation, which is common in some African countries, the government funding would be most efficient in solving these foundamental problems.
However, for most nations in the world, developed or developing, the government's support for the blossom of arts is as significant as solving the foundamental social problems. Because the functions of arts could be quite beneficial to the general development of a nation.
On one hand, arts could help people to build up the spirit of perseverence and courageous when encourting misfortunes and miseries. Arts are the vehicals for artists to convey their thoughts and spirits, adn they could be appreciated by different people according to their circumtances. For example, the Symphony of Destiny, produced by one of the greatest musicians Beethoven, has provided thousands of wretch people courage by its impassionate and at the same time firm melody. Another example comes from the work The Old Man and the Sea written by Hemingway. Those detailed descriptions of how the old man tried his best to fight for his living-catching the big fish-despite those difficulties and severe circumtances have put strength on thousands of people to help them to face the formidable situations in their lives. Arts could encourage those under previledged people to deal with their poverty with a brave heart.
On the other hand, arts possess the function of enlighten populace and hence improve the efficiency of solving the foundamental social problems by the governments. The origin of poverty lies in the mind of those poor people. For that they are limited by their poor situation, it is impossible for them to have a broader eyeviw and an open mind to come up with more creative ideas and get themselves out of poverty. Therefore, the education for poor people would be crucial to expand their horizen and improve their thoughts. Though enlightment, poor people would be more rational and clear-sighted to better their condition. Arts are one branch of education. Take one of the greatest writers in modern China Lu Xun as an example. When he started his career as a writer, China was in chaos of international wars and domastic wars, people were living a rough life by then. Lu Xun's works have beem famous for their incisive perspectives and criticisms to the social problems and the policies of the government by then. While it might seem that people would be too occupied by surviving under the severe condition to pay attention to his works, it is a great surprise that people were enlightened by his viewpoints and started open their eyes to see the world. There were thousands of revolutionary forerunners were inspired by Lu Xun's works and tried to figure out ways to solve the social problems and succeed finally. Arts could be a good teacher for people to ameliorate their hardships.
In conclusion, although in some extremely poor countries, it would be more rational for governments to put the numbered money in solving the foundamental social problems, in most nations in the world, government funding would be beneficial to both the poor people themselves and the governments to solve the poverty problems when providing to the development of arts.
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