GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。(Claim – Reason) "本题为两道老GRE的ISSUE题目综合——ISSUE101 ""Governments should provide funding for artists so that the arts can flourish and be available to all people""和ISSUE85 ""Government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts"".本题讨论政府应当对艺术采取的行为以及其目的和作用。 第一种观点中:对于题目中的前半句,可以从政府扶持艺术的正面与负面作用以及对艺术“物质、精神”两层次的影响去展开分析。对于后半句,可以从政府行为的必要性以及人们不同的需求层次上进行论述。 第二种观点里:给出的观点认为政府资助对艺术的纯洁性造成了威胁,具有负面作用。本题的分析可以从物质需求和精神追求两个角度展开,需要注意以下三点: 1、单词解释——Integrity一词比较有争议,这里选取韦氏字典中纯洁性的解释:firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility 2、逻辑关系——无论是正面作用还是负面作用,都要建立在“政府”和“艺术”之间,不要跳出限定范围。 2、选取例子——梵高等人已经被用烂了,这个题目和艺术有关,小说、电影、音乐、绘画等都可以包括,有很多事例是可以使用。"
1. 艺术的蓬勃发展需要什么基础?艺术如何让所有人都可以接触到?(可以从物质和精神两方面来思考)
回答: 需要物质基础:资金 没有充足的资金的支持 是无法发展艺术的。 精神方面:没有约束 没有限制 百花齐放 百家争鸣 多建博物馆 门票价格尽量低 甚至 不收门票,画廊 展览馆 多办 ,大型活动 尽量多发免费门票。
2. 政府资助艺术的目的是什么?对政府有什么好处?政府资助能满足问题一中艺术的哪些需求?
回答: 发展艺术以便尽量满足人们日益高涨的精神文化需求 这样就会得到老百姓的支持 资金需求
3. 政府资助对艺术会有哪些负作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 会产生依赖心理 一旦离开政府资助 几乎无法生存 以前中国不少地区有曲艺团 现在其中大部分已经倒闭或者濒临倒闭 因为过去其计划经济 曲艺团由政府资助 足额足饷 曾经中国的曲艺事业红火过一阵 但随着计划经济 变成市场经济 人们的选择也多了起来 加之 这群人中的一部分是半路出家 水平很低 影响了曲艺的吸引力 所以人们就不喜欢曲艺这项艺术了 雪上加霜的是 政府 大额削减了对曲艺的资助 所以这种传统的文化艺术 有一些已经濒临灭绝。
4. 艺术在获得政府资助之后,相对于之前会有什么样的变化?这些变化有哪些是正面的,哪些是负面的?
回答: 正面:资金充裕 不受限制的发展 负面:会产生依赖心理 会变得没有竞争力
5. 是否存在为了保持艺术纯洁性而拒绝政府资助的事例?是否存在接受政府资助之后丧失艺术纯洁性的事例?如果有,请简单描述事例。
回答: 有一些艺术本身不需要资助, 比如街头艺术, 如果给了他们钱,他们就不卖艺了,这种艺术形式也会消失。 地下电影就是为了保持艺术纯洁性而拒绝政府资助,虽然政府不支持这些电影在公众间传播,但是那些导演还是没有放弃自己的艺术追求。 中国画画家齐白石的拒绝成为政府中的官员,拒绝了政府的资助,保持作画的主题的自由开放(depict fish, shrimp虾, or birds). cultural revolution.或者 朝鲜 只允许特定的艺术题材(不论songs还是dance,drama全都是歌功颂德的),极大限制了艺术的发展
6. 艺术的纯洁性是指什么?包括那些方面?怎样的行为就属于威胁或者丧失艺术的纯洁性?
回答: 应该指的是纯粹的意思 就是为了艺术而艺术 毫无杂念 目的单纯 动机单纯 不计损失 功利心重 为了赚钱而投资艺术
Coincidental with the government funding some arts is the development of social economy. I believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts.      Government funding of the arts has some bad effects because it leads to the psychology of dependence依赖心理. Once without government funding, the arts become no competence and hardly survive. Twenty years ago many Chinese cities have folk arts曲艺communities, but most of them have disbanded or face to be disbanded now. This is because in the past the folk arts communities were funded by the government and the folk arts career of China ever flourished. Basic to the change of time is the choice of people increasing. Additionally, some of the actors are not professional so that their levels are very low. This influences the attraction of folk arts heavily. People do not love to watch it. And the government cuts the funding of arts heavily. So this kind of the conventional culture art endangers extinction.       The integrity of art is to create art for art without any other idea. The real art includes the pure goal, the pure motive and does not calculate gain? and lost. If invest the art in order to make money, it threatens or lost the integrity of the art.        Some artists refuse the government funding to keep the integrity of art. The underground movie is the prime example of this. Although the movie is permitted to be on publicly, those directors do not give up their pursuit不可数 and still insist on their dream just to keep the integrity of art. On the contrary, some arts accept the government funding and lose the integrity of art. North Korea presents an case for this. In North Korea, no matter songs, dances or dramas is all for praise the great accomplishment of North Korea leaders. And North Korea only permits to act this type of art so that it limits the development of the art heavily.       Although some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people, I believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. 
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