GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题和老GRE的ISSUE53"College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government"有相似之处。题目的大范围是关于教育的,具体的说是讨论教育资金应该由个人承担还是政府承担,分析的重点应该是政府和高等教育的关系,学生个体和高等教育的关系,以及资金及其来源于高等教育的关系。
1. 了解一下目前世界上一些国家的教育制度和体系,描述其中某一个或几个国家政府对高等教育的管理和资金支持情况。
回答: 加拿大:高等教育 实行 全部免费 本科阶段 及 研究生阶段 全部由国家掏钱 美国:高等教育实行奖学金制度 分成两类 一种提供给足够优秀的学生 但无力承担学费 另一类 对于很多学校 都争的学生 采取提供奖学金 来吸引学生 去该学校学习 中国:以前在高等教育上也是免费的 还提供生活补助 用于吃饭 但后来 由于大学扩招 人数急剧增加 开始实行 收费政策 生活补助 集中起来使用 作为奖学金发放。
2. 大学里的学生一般都要支付哪些费用?他们的经济状况和经济来源如何?政府对学生有什么补贴?
回答: 学费 住宿费用 生活费用 其中 主要是吃饭 在中国 城市的学生 经济状况 能比农村的学生 好一些 经济来源 基本上多是靠父母供应 也有自己打工赚取生活费的。 一个月80 元 生活补贴 有的学校还把他挪用 集中起来当成奖学金发放 另外 对于 一些贫困的学生 政府还提供一些助学金 和 励志奖学金 一般是几千元
3. 政府资助大学的目的是什么?这些目的是否可以通过其他途径得到?
回答: 为大众提供教育服务 还可以由民间资本提供资金 资助大学 这也就是 美国私立大学的由来。
4. 了解并计算一下,大学的运营费用是怎样的,如果支持一个有一万名在校生的大学,政府需要投入多少资金?
回答: 建楼:包括教学楼 实验楼 宿舍楼 图书馆 餐厅 以一万人为例 至少需要10栋 七层的宿舍楼 假设每栋需要100万元 就是1000万元 实验楼 教学楼 图书馆 餐厅 就算 10个楼 一个楼平均 200万 这一笔是两千万 建楼一项 3000 万 老师的工资:以一个学校 教师和学生的比例 是 10:1 计算 一万人的大学里 就有一千名教师 平均每人每月是5000元 一年就是 6万 该校教师的工资总数 6000 万 后勤保障费用:水 电 暖气 费用 一年也是一笔很大的开销 以 2000 万计算 这三项 每年政府就得向大学 投入 1.1亿 元人民币
5. 政府付费之后(经济问题被解决之后)可能出现哪些正面或负面结果?
回答: 正面结果:大学的生存问题得以解决 能够正常运行 学生能得到教育的服务 老师能领到工资 负面结果:会产生依赖心理 一旦政府投入减少 大学马上就陷入困境 而不会自行谋生 比如 建立校友会 通过校友的捐助 筹措资金
Coincidental with more and more students going to the college for study is the development of society. I think that governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.     Many students in the college are difficult to afford the tuition. A college student commonly affords the tuition and living fees, which are mainly spend buying foods. And in China, the economic ability of students from the city is better than the students from rural. The economic resource of the students mostly comes from their parents and some is also from the salary of part-time jobs. The government provided 80 Yuan living money per month in the past. And now government provides the scholarship奖学金 for some of the poor students. The number of scholarship奖学金 is from several hundred Yuan to several thousand Yuan. However, this money is not sufficient for the poor students to afford the high tuition.     The government should provide the educational resource for the public and can have ability to afford this tuition completely because this tuition is not large. According to the data of the University of Jinan in China and the price in 2011, one college whose number of register students is ten thousand needs the following fees. The fee of building dorms is 30 million Yuan. The fee of salary of teachers is 60 million Yuan. The fee of operation is 20 million per year. The total fees per year are 110 million Yuan. In 2011, the tax税 of cigarette is 640 billion Yuan. China has about 7 hundred universities and the total fees per year only 77 billion Yuan, which is the 10 percent of the total tax税 of cigarette.     After the government affords the tuition of the students, it has many benefits. The poor students are not worried about the problem of tuition so that they focus on the study. They can become more excellent and have the ability to comply the future work. Therefore, the unemployment rate will decrease. The world becomes more beautiful 美好的.     Although that government affords the tuition of students can lead to these advantages, it may generate some disadvantages. For example, the colleges can have the psychology 心理 of dependence. Once the investment of government declines, the colleges are in trouble. Because they do not learn how to earn living alone. They can get money through the schoolmate donation. But I think the governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.  
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