GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.
1. 相对于被动接受,怀疑态度在学生的学习过程中可以起到哪些作用?请举例并简述。(可从正负面两方面考虑)
回答: 正:可以让学生培养独立思考能力,可以使学生避免被洗脑的状态 负:可能让学生的效率比较低下,比如一个1+1=2的算术,学生有了质疑精神,就可能花很长时间辨证1+1是不是等于2
2. 对哪些学科和知识,怀疑精神主要具有正面意义?在学习这些知识的过程中,被动接受有哪些不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 强调独立思考的过程,怀疑精神具有正面意义。例如GRE的写作部分,这是一个强调独立思考和逻辑的测试,这个时候就需要我们有怀疑精神,有自己的见解,不能被动的接受别人的想法。 被动接受的话就没有自己对问题的辨证,反应在分数上就会得很低的分数
3. 对哪些学科知识,怀疑精神则更多具有的是负面影响,而被动接受反而更合适?请举例并简述。
回答: 一些基础学科,比如1+1=2和英语的字母和读音。这些东西一般是经过验证过的,被动接受后效率不错。
4. 过度的怀疑精神会给学生的学习过程中带来。些直接或间接问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 处处质疑,怀疑论者。例如学生可能会怀疑这个世界是否是盗梦空间,这个貌似没有必要啊……
5. 怀疑精神和被动接受之间存在哪些关系?请结合具体事例阐述。
回答: 相互结合,共同作用。对于基础的科学验证过的理论被动接受比较好,对于科学没有验证过的理论怀疑比较好。
Should students bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study? I believe that students should bring a certain skepticism to what have not been proved by science and believe what have been already proved by science.
First of all, students need not bring a certain skepticism to what have been already proved by science. Students can believe them and adopt them as the basis for scientific discovery. Basic Math presents a relevant case to analysis. Basic Math is a basis science and almost every student will learn it in elementary school. It has come into wide use as preliminary subject for other course. And Its validity also has been proved by science. If students bring a certain skepticism to basic math, they will waste their time and can not find any mistake. Another example of this viewpoint is English language. English which is used as a language for thousand years has a rigorous system. Its system come in a variety of factors, ranging from pronounce to spelling and grammar. Every party of the system has a rigorous validity and there is no need for students to suspect them. If students bring a certain skepticism in learning English, they may doubt validity of pronounce of words or correct of grammar of sentence. At last they not only can not learn English very well but also waste their time and decrease their efficiency. These are two examples of why students should believe what have been already proved by science.
Second, students really should suspect what have not been proved by science. One of the obliges of students is to use scientific measure to find the truth. This is why people do research. A huge surplus of secrets exist but only one truth exists. If students accept what they are taught passively, there will be no independent thinking and innovation. Chinese traditional medicine presents a relevant case for analysis. Chinese traditional medicine has been existing for thousands years. Although it claims a effective curative effect, it has not been tested by scientific measure. Students should bring a certain skepticism to Chinese traditional medicine and use the scientific measure to test it. True medicine should eliminate incorrect part and be proved by science. If students accept it passively, incorrect part in Chinese Traditional medicine will render harm to people's healthy. This is an excellent example of why students should suspect what have not been proved by science.
Students need not suspect everything they are taught. They should use a science to make a bette world.
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