GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superseded by simpler, more immediate options.
1. 什么是实用的观点?这些观点具有什么特点?这些观点对人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 使用的观点:现在的科技水平,在期望范围之内,并能解决一定问题的观点。 特点是可预见性 好处是可以一点一点的实现目标,并增加自信心。 弊端是可能缺乏创新,
2. 什么是理想化的观点?这些观点有什么特点?这些观点对于人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 把任何事情都想象的比较美好,没有阻力 有创新性 有时候可能会不切实际 日本第五代计算机的研发
3. 保证在人在一个领域存活的因素有哪些?这些因素都是实用的还是理想化的?请举例说明。
回答: 自身的实力,大的环境,机遇,不断的自我创新。 塞班系统以前是只能手机的老大,有实力,但是系统一直一来没有什么创新性,现今不如苹果的手机系统,和android
4. 人的成功会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素哪些是具有实用特征的?哪些是具有理想化特征的?请举例说明。
回答: 自身的实力,一定的机遇,足够的创新 苹果手机在短短的4年时间里抢占了大部分份额。
5. 什么是简单而迫切的想法?人们为什么会产生这些想法?这些想法会给人的成功带来什么好处?什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 比如,生产手机,简单而迫切的想法可以生产一个打电话发短信的手机,因为缺乏沟通工具,可以立即解决人们的问题,可能生产出来的东西过于简陋。只能打电话
6. 实用主义和理想主义是必然对立的么?如果是,请解释为什么并举例说明;如果不是,请分析在什么情况下二者会有统一,并举例说明。
回答: 不一定,可以在保证实用的前提下理想。比如,苹果的手机首先得是一部手机,其次才会有功能强大的手机。什么CPU,内存,触摸屏,显示效果……
WORDS: 492          TIME: 00:40:59          DATE: 2/21/2011 7:11:41 PM
In any realm of life, like ugliness and beauty, failure and success, a choice between practical views and idealistic views always exist. Practical view is the basis whereby people can enjoy the fruit of success. And idealistic view is the catalyst whereby people can fulfill innovation. 
First of all, pragmatic behavior is an effective way to guarantees survival. Pragmatic goal is to achieve success with less resource. Sometimes, pragmatic behavor will discard beauty that is not necessary for success. In this way without idealistic view, practical view can ensure maximal rate to achieve success. Football presents a relevant case for analysis. In football match, some pragmatic team's goal of mathch is 1 : 0, which can use minimum resource to guarantee win. Once this pragmatic team achieve one goal in match, all players will participate in defend to ensure the rival do not have chance to achieve a goal. In this pragmatic way, this type of team often win the champion of league. Thus, pragmatic behavor often can ensure a success with minimum resoure.
However, pragmatic behavior will be blamed by others sometime and some pragmatic bahaviors can not catalyze success. In the pragmatic football team example mentioned above, blames come from people always exsit. Because this pragmatic behaviors kill match by defend which all eleven players participate. If all players participate in defend, match will be so boring that beauty of match will be killed by this pragmatic behavior. For example, Barcelona team is often praised by their beautiful match which achieve by offend. On the other hand, pragmatic behavior may can not guarantee survival sometime because of lacking of innovation. A good example of this view point involves Saipan. Saipan was once the most powerful operation system in smart mobile market. Almost every smart mobile phone used Saipan as their operation system. But Saipan was too pragmatic to fulfill a breakthough. It insisted on traditional operation type. However, when a idealistic touch technology was introduced by Apple Inc. to smart mobile, Saipan lost its market rapidly. This idealistic technology fulfilled breakthough in smart mobile phone, which was popular amony people. In a short time, Saipan lost its market to Apple's iOS. This time pragmatic behavior can not ensure success and practical view lost to idealistic view because of lacking of innovation.
In fact, survival even breakthrough sometime come from idealistic view rather than practical view. In modern time, science not only improve technology but also accelerate change of people's viewpoint. In this time, idealistic view often brought innovation to us instead of pragmatic. For instance, Apple Inc. almost bankrupted in the beginning of 1990's because of market's depression and inappropriate products. After Jobs who have a huge surplus of idealistic ideas returned Apple Inc, he not only brought to the world many excellent idealistic view electronic products, such as iMac, iPod, iPhone, but also saved Apple Inc. Now Apple Inc. is the most valuable company in the world because of its idealistic view and innovation. Therefore, idealistic view is also the way to succeed.
All in all, although practical view can guarantee survival, it is not the only way to succeed and idealistic view can also ensure success, too.
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