GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘同舟
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 生活独立,思考独立; 沟通能力,善于和各种人打交道,如与高人与平庸的人; 对于逆境有足够的忍受力,懂宽容。
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: 经济的发展,法律制度的完善,社会的稳定,人民的素质; 经济的发展需要与人沟通的能力,如跨国公司的产生,服务业的发展。 学会忍受、宽容对于社会的稳定很重要,否则发生校园枪击案之类的事故。
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: 首先自身的生存能力强,不会对社会形成负担,不需要社会提供救济金一类的帮助; 其次创造价值,在自己的领域作出成绩; 适应力若就会形成社会的负担,并且伤害社会,犯罪等。
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: 通过教育,学校教育和家庭教育。 某些地区往往过于偏重学校教育忽视家庭教育;由于社会的普遍价值观认为学习知识能改变命运,而忽视对人的精神的培养。
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: 由于孩子的能力较弱,大人可能避免孩子做错事而避免让他们去做。 大人过分重视专业能力的培养,忽视了对人际沟通的培养。
As the speaker claims that the socialization of children determines the destiny of society, education for children plays a vital role on social development, and we are usually confused with varieties of methods for educating children. Although the kinds and amount of knowledge increase so quickly that we are meshed with how to educate children all the knowledge, we must distinguish which part of knowledge is more important than the others. Furthermore, I think our children need three fundamental abilities which parents should consider teaching at first, independence, tolerance and communication.
Specific circumstances of our society vary too fast that the knowledge from teachers and parents usually can not match the facts. Thus, in order to face and resolve problems that our children may not meet before, independence is necessary for children. For example, as a result of the internationalization, we keep in touch with foreign countries frequently today, while we just communicated with native people 20 years ago. How to trade with foreign without troubles is a big question. We need to acquaint ourselves with the ethos and the culture of foreigners, and then we are armed at these to provide proper commodities. Solving problems by ourselves supplies us a larger possibility to success.
We are often besieged by frustrations which depress us. Tolerating these failures is another basic ability children should master. Before hawks hover in the sky, young hawks have fallen hundreds times; Before a seed grow into a tree, it must suffer with raining, freezing, and blustering; And before Thomas Edison finally invented the bulb, he had tested over one thousand materials as filament. On the contrary, we often heard news about suicide on campus. Those dead people could not withstand sufferings and come to tragedies. These tragedies is worthy of our reflection. What parents should do with is to patiently comfort their children and to help them restore their courage. A strong heart is a prerequisite for achieve their goals.
Finally, in order to gain more resource and to share others' ideas, communication is certainly a requisite ability. While science has developed into a high level, it is hard for scientists to master the whole of their majors. They could just master several branches of their own majors, but these are far incomplete for present researches. About one hundred years ago, the Nobel Prize for chemistry was usually earned by one chemist, but the Nobel Prize was shared by several chemists recent years. That means finishing an eminent research is becoming really difficult for just one person. Cooperation and communication are increasingly significant nowadays.
In sum, how to raise our children is a complicated question. In my view, we should pay attention to these essential abilities. To teach our children surpasses to give our children fish.
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