IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Some people think that we should invent a new language for international communication. Do the benefits of this outweigh the problems?
1. 是否有人尝试过发明这种国际通用的新语言?结果如何?
回答: 有,曾有无数的人尝试研发世界语,但唯一存在于世界上的并且被比较广泛使用的是一个波兰医生发明的叫做esperanto的世界语言。esperanto相对来说比大多数已知的语言都要容易掌握。 虽说esperanto的应用相对广泛,但能使用该语言的人目前只有100万左右。 并且在重要的国际会议上,还是以自然语言做作为交流的工具。 当然,还有阿凡达中的navi语
2. 发明一种世界通用的新语言有什么好处?
回答: 发明并推广世界语的好处是巨大的。首先,世界各地的人们可以更加畅通无阻的交流,这有益于促进世界经济发展以及各国人民之间的相互理解。其次,这也有助于促进国与国之间,人与人之间的平等。
3. 世界通用语言的发明会遇到什么问题?
回答: 然而要用人造语言代替自然语言有一个巨大的问题:由于几乎没有人在日常生活中会用到国际语,要说服人们学习国际语,而不是被更为广泛使用的英语或法语俄语等,是一个很困难的问题。虽然一旦普及,世界语可以带给人们很大的便利,但是在推动世界语的普及之前,我们必须解决一个问题:我们是否有必要普及这种语言。大多数人还是生活在自己的母语环境里,大多数人可以不必和语言不通的人交流就顺利地完成许多的事情,所以对绝大多数人来说,学习一门使用人数只有100万的语言好处并不大
4. 现在使用范围最广的语言是什么?你觉得它是否能够满足我们国际交流的需要?
回答: 使用的最广泛的是英语,但它显然还不能满足人们国际交流的需要。
Communications of people from different countries are often bored by the difference in language. A universal language should be popularize to enable people communicate more freely and equally. 
A universal language brings people much benefit. It would be a great thing if we can talk to people from different cultural and language background. Imagine a world all the people can speak a same language. Then business men can explore their market more freely around the world and tourists do not need to worry about the language barrier because even though they do not understand local language, they can still get information from local using the universal language. A universal language will undoubtedly deepen people's understanding all over the world. More over, if we can popularize the use of a universal language, we can solve much unfairness brought by difference in language. If people all over the world use a man-made language instead of a natural language to communicate, there would not be a problem of why choosing a language rather than the others as a common language. Using none of the natural language avoid the problem of discriminating a language other than another, and thusly avoid discriminating a culture against another.
However, though a universal language would have so much beneficial effect on people's life, there is not any known man-made language that is widely used in international communication. Many scientists have tried to develop a universal language, but most of their works failed to be adopted by the international world. The only extant man-made universal language is a language called Esperanto, created by a Polish doctor. Esperanto is said to be one of the easiest language in the world but only about one million people can speak Esperanto. It appears that even though there is a workable man-made universal language, few people want to learn or use it. Since nobody in the world actually uses Esperanto in daily life, the language now means nothing more than the Na'vi——a language used by the aliens in the movie Avatar.
Even though the only extant man-made language ——Esperanto failed to be used in most international communications, I believe people should not give up this language as a universal language. Esperanto has not received the attention it deserves. Few organizations have tried Esperanto as common or official language and no government ever tried to offer Esperanto classes in their compulsory education. Esperanto has never officially proved to be a failure as a common language, so why people do not give it a chance and work on a better world Esperanto can offer?
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