TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙熙领
Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你的学校组织学生进行体育锻炼吗?你觉得效果如何?
回答: 组织国体育锻炼,比如大二的时候有每周一节的足球体育课,课上我们不仅能够锻炼身体,还能够通过足球找到快乐。
2. 你是否有条件有时间在校外进行体育锻炼?效果如何?
回答: 以前每周都会去健身房锻炼跑步,效果不错,每周的锻炼能够使我的身体运动运动,对身体健康有益,消化好,睡得香。
3. 你觉得体育锻炼会影响你学习吗?为什么?
回答: 适当的体育锻炼不会影响学习,因为适当的体育锻炼能够使人得到放松,还能使人从学习压力中解放出来,释放压力,提高效率。
4. 学生在学校只学习对身心健康会有什么影响?
回答: 首先身体不够硬朗,容易发胖,长时间学习也会造成疲劳。
It is no wonder that a huge surplus of advantages come from physical exercise. Although students may injury themselves when they lost their sight, it is necessary to add physical exercise to be a required part of every school day. And students may have a bad health if they spend the whole school day on academic studies.
First of all, physical exercise can improve our health. To maintain a healthy body, people need to do some exercises to practice their body. For example, jogging can improve people's vital capacity. And if people persist on jogging, they can throw away their excess fat and have a better body. On the other hand, some exercises can improve people's mind by having a peaceful mood. For instance, advocates of yoga proclaim that yoga can help people find the peaceful mood and healthy mind. Therefore, it is necessary to add physical exercise because of healthy body after exercise.
Moreover, physical exercise can relax mind of students and help students to find a higher study efficiency. Physical exercise offer a chance to students to vent their emotions. Students can dispose their bad emotions and have a better study efficiency after physical exercise. If students spend the whole school day on academic studies, they can not dispose their bad emotions. And although they save the physical exercise time for studying, the result of studying will not be good enough because of the low efficiency. Thus, it is necessary for students to take physical exercise because of good study efficiency.
Last, students can have a lot of fun during physical exercise and increase their cooperation spirit. For example, students need to act in concert with others when they participate in football or basketball. Only in this way, they have a higher opportunity to win the game. And cooperation spirit is so important in work that only in this way people can finish a big job. Therefore, it is necessary for students to take physical exercise.
All in all, although physical exercise also have defects, such as injury, it is necessary to add physical exercise because of healthy body, higher efficiency and cooperation spirit which can be learned during physical exercise.
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