GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘一清
Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 请列举两个你认为成功的教育年轻人的事例,并分析事例中如何指导年轻人去建立目标的,并分析建立了什么样的目标。
回答: 周华健:考入台湾大学数学系,但在大学期间决心做歌手,于是经过不懈的努力成为华语地区最有影响力的歌手之一
2. 对“长远并现实的目标”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: 正面:长远而现实的目标可以使得年轻人做事更脚踏实地,按部就班,在前进的路上少一些迷茫 负面:长远而现实的目标可能让人不愿尝试新的事物,从而限制了自己的可能性
3. 对“眼前的声望名誉”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: 负面:会使年轻人迷失前进的方向,浪费时间 正面:可能使年轻人找到他们真正感兴趣的事,并为之奋斗终生
4. “长远并现实的目标”和“眼前的声望名誉”之间存在哪些关系?请举例并简述。
回答: 对眼前名声与欲望的追求可能通过不懈的努力还转化为长期并现实的目标 然而,有时候眼前的声望和名誉可能使人偏离了原本的发展轨道,浪费时间,荒废了事业
5. 在哪些环境下“长远并现实的目标”更有利于年轻人的发展,在哪些环境下“眼前的声望名誉”又更有意义?请举例并简述。
As the mass media pay an unprecedent attention on celebrity,a cosy life is adored and a faulse information is conveyed :people can live a cosy without much effort.Some younsters thus give up their normal life education to seek for fame and fortune and end up losing themselves in their way of pursuing.In such a background the the speaker assert that the young should not go after immediate fame,instead ,they should step up a realistic goal and realize the long term goal step by step.I agree that youngsters with little life experience sometimes waste their time pursuing unrealistic dreams,however,I can not agree with the speaker's opion.
For one thing,sometimes it is hard to define what is realistic and what is not.For example ,for a college graduate who has no recognized outstanding abilities,which of  the following is realistic:winning an Oscar or becoming a prestigeous scientist?Both and neither.Nicole Kidman won an Oscar without a collage diplomat and Eistein  is recognized as one of greatest scientist ever without going to graduate school.However more college graduates lead a more normal life.They might have dreamt about living a less routine life,however they never make it because they choose or have to choose a more realistic life.A goal is realistic only if one take action to realize it,otherwise ,even the easist goal would become unrealistic,like eat no sweets after dinner.
For another thing,immediate fame and recognition can be turned to a realistic goal.Some people like dreaming,but do not have goals.Having a goal ,like being famous , though it may sound shallow at first,is important to the younsters.Because if one keep working hard on something,even unrealistic goals may lead him to success.When Wakin Chau,a student in the Math Department of Taiwan University, decided to be a muscian 20 years ago,most people thought him unrealistic because he just wanted to be famous at that time.However he fianlly succeeded after working as a clerk in a record company for years and is now one of the most known singers in the Greater China Area.
Of course,many young people looking for immediate repute end up losing themselves and there many younsters having realistic goals with plan to realize them turn out being successful.A clear goal spare young people  much time wondering what to do and people with such goals and plans at a young age are more likely to succeed than their peers in the same field.However,though realistic goal is good,it may to some degree limits our developments and restricts our abilities.Realistic goal is usually not as challenging as unrealistic ones,and people with realistic goals may trap themselves in their safe area,rejecting other possibilities of themselves.
To sum up,since it is difficult to define realistic goals and immediate fame and recognition can be transferred in to realistic goals,there is no need to say realistic goals are better than the seemingly unrealistic ones,and youngsters should choose the better ones.After all,when choosing a goal,one should care more about whether he can keep working on it rather than how realistic it is.
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