TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yhy
【IBT机经-41】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school.
1. 请结合时代环境,谈谈钱在这个社会的重要作用以及人们的金钱观?
回答: 钱可以买到很多东西
2. 学生参加考试的重要作用是什么呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 检测自己在前段时候的学习成果
3. 请结合实际简述,金钱是如何发挥它的激励作用的?
回答: 孩子可以用钱买他自己喜欢的玩具或书等,放松自己
4. 有人说,题目中的方法会增加孩子们学习的功利性,不利于孩子的健康成长,你是否赞同?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 赞同,孩子可能因此过分着重成绩
5. 除了金钱的奖励方法,你认为还有哪些方法能够有效地奖励孩子们在学校的优异表现?请结合实际简述。
回答: 表扬或者旅游
When children get high grade in exam,they want to receive parents appritiate. Some parents will take a trip with their children or encourage their children.Others will give money to their children. The statement that parents should give schoole-age money for high grade they get in schoolhas been arose in society.From my perspective,I am in disagreement that give money to children is a good way to encourage them.There are some reasons to illustrate my point of view.First of all, children will be utility if they get the high grade for money. Children take exam in school can know how much knowledge they have learned in school.If they take exam just for getting money,they will not pay attention to the quality of knowledge they have learned.If they get low grade they will be upset because they can not receive the money.Therefore they not focus on what knowledge they have not learned.It is not benefit for their growth in life.For instant, my brother has low grade in school and my parents did not give him money.Then he was upset and did not analize what his disadvantage in studying. As a result he also got a low grade in next exam.Secondly,children will cheat in the exam because they want to get  high grade.Some children do not like studying.Once they get high grade and parents give them money,they will be happy because they can use the money to buy things which they like.  For the money, they cheat in the exam so that they can get high grade. They do not learn any knowledge, but get a high grade in exam.When they graduate they will find nothing they have learned in school except for cheating.For example, my classmate cheat in the exam becuae he can get high grade and get money. Once his parents know this situation and did not give him money anymore.Admittedly, it is no denying that giving money can encourage children to get high grade in shool.But there are so many ways to encourage children to study well, such as playing with them,travelling with them or presenting some good words to them.These ways not only encourage children perform well in school , but also increase the enmotion between the parents and children.And children can perform well in school not just for the money.All in all,I do not agree that parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school. Children will focus on the money but not the knowledge and they might cheat in the exam for getting the money.Beside giving money, people can travel with their children for high grade they get in school.And children can learn more things during the travelling.
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