TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:想拍彩色照
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
1. 你曾经或正在接受高等教育吗?你觉得它对你有什么影响?
回答: 正在接受,有的理论体系能在一定程度上引导你做出选择
2. 你觉得怎样才算是好学生?详细说明好学生的标准。
回答: 好学生就是品学兼优,而且谦虚、大方、随和
3. 现在学校里有你认为不好的学生吗?你觉得高等教育对他们有作用吗?用事例支持你的看法。
回答: 有,应该没什么作用。因为他们总是不去上课,而且不上课就是为了玩游戏
4. 社会上没有接受过高等教育的人,如果有再教育的机会,他们会有进步吗?举出具体的事例。
回答: 会,因为他们更懂的知识教育的重要性更会珍惜。比如我妈妈,由于社会原因没有上过大学,但其后参加了夜大培训和会计培训对她的人生有很大改变和影响
we know the important of talents in our world.when AD invented light,it change our life.when people creat internet,we are live faster than before.every step is base on the technologic development which invented by education is the first place in all of countries.with common of education,more and more students will get better conditions in school.but it also arise another question,more students don't conside it as gem.they don't have classes to play computers or someone think education resouce is waste by these.Some people believe that higher education should be available only to good students. on the contrast others believe that a college or university education should be available to all my words i argee with the latter.first we can not identify what kind of student is good and which part do you think is good such as goal or morality..furthermore education is our basic right.
good is just a adjective it express degress of what you feel or think.different people have their different thinks.for example if there were two text,one is difficult and another is student who was the best in the class achieved 60 in the difficult one.another student who was the last one in the class got 80 in the easy one. can you tell me who is better?another case we don't have a common score to identify who is good.
additionally different students are good in different area.we don't have a discipline to say which part is standard.few years ago, a student who studied in longriver university bravely saved a young boy.then he my class a girl alway achieve first place.they are all good in different area.can you tell me who is better?so we also can not classify the good students.
finally everyone has right to get education.someone said "knowledge is fortune for all over the world".we are not the owner of these knowledge why we can classify who is suitable for learning.
in fact  a lot of students still waste the is pity for our country.even although many of students are not good to study in university or college education,they still have right to determine.i believe most of students want to because of these reson,i believe that a college or university education should be available to all students.
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