GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:markcasino
Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.
1. 对于社会和国家来说,教育的目标是什么(你所定义的目标不同,“有用”的概念就不同)?这个目标的制定需要考虑哪些因素?个人的需求和兴趣是否在这些因素之内?请举例说明。
回答: 培养有用的人才
2. 你希望通过教育得到什么?其他人的想法和你的是否一致?如果不一致,教育如何才能满足大众的需求?请举例说明。
回答: 思考方式,思维能力
3. 教育按照对象不同可以分为哪些类别?这些类别的教育目标是否相同?如果不是,他们是否都需要考虑每一个学生的个人需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 高等教育才需要,初级和职业教育不需要
4. 教育按照不同的形式可以分为哪些类别?不同形式的教育是否都需要考虑每个学生的需求和兴趣?为什么?请举例说明。
5. 如果教育按照每个人的需求和兴趣来制定有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
Educaion plays an significant role in the development and civilization of a nation. When look back  into history, we can easily discover the fact the rise of a nation or a nationalilty is usually based on the permise of its successful education system.  And this trend remains unchanged even in nowadys society. Now here is a statement that education will be effective only when it is specialfically designed to meet every individual's need and interst. However I must admit that the saying is not flawless and I believed that it's not the only way  to run a effective educational system, and the suggestion is absolutely impractical.
As we all know there are many levels of education aimed at different group of people. and as we can expect, the primary goals of these different kinds of education varies. For example. the primary school 's educational objective is to provide its students with basic skills in learning and common sense. And a student in high school is expected to be able to master the basic knowledge in different fields such as physic , mathemetic and English, and to think independently . However the higher education is aimed at the improvement of its students' capability  in logic and reasoning, while preparing them for their work and research in specialized areas later. To meet the interests of each individual is essential in higher education , for the reason that in other kinds of education level,  the needs and interests of an individual is in less importance compared with its general goal. So it's obvious that proposing such an idea is not helpful in achieving  goals mentioned above.
Beside,  The suggestion fails to consider the feasibility of its proposal. The resource a nation could devote into its educational area is limited, and adapting such a suggestion is impractical. To support its maintaining of its higher education system, which is designed to develop a varity of interests and needs of its students ,  the finacial stress will be  a heavy burden. So we can easily see the insufficiecy of providing resources for primary schools and high school. For example,  one of the private high school in our city devoted much of its fanicial and human resources into the development of its students interests instead of those selected courses, and a few years later , the school  is unable to support such acitivcity .
So, finally we came to the conclusion that it's both unnecessary and insufficient for all education strive for a common goal aiming at developing the interests of its students. However we must admit that it's necessary to consider the intersts of students in a considerable degree to motive them in learning. So, all in all, it's my opinion that developing the interests of its students is not the only way to achieve success in education fields.
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