TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄子晏
Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你现在住在哪儿?是小城镇还是大城市?
回答: 小城市
2. 你喜欢住在那儿吗?为什么?
回答: 生活节奏很慢,很多好吃的,没有工作和生活的压力感。
3. 大城市和小城镇在居住条件上有什么明显的区别?
回答: 1.大城市交通发达,人们生活相对富裕,娱乐项目也很多。 2.大城市生活节奏快,适合有朝气的青年人。 3小城市环境比较好,没有了大城市的污染,更贴近自然。
4. 你理想中适合居住的地方是什么样的?描绘一下。
回答: 年轻时拼搏,长大了去养老
my country has divided into two types of cities since last century, some citizens prefer living in a big city, which makes people busy with work or life, on the contrary, others purse a life in the small city for  its peaceful environment. as far as i am concerned, i love the life pattern of big city more, for the reasons presented as follows.
first of all, people living in the big city can enjoy a high-speed path of life. for example, citizens need to rush to station to catch the first metro, of course, they spend plenty of time dealing with documents and paper works, from my own stance, it's necessary for a man in the golden age of his life to earn the living. moreover, the tired people could enter the fitness club after a busy day, yoga and spa could surely remove all day's fatigue, of which small cities lacks. therefore, people could become fulfilled with his whole day's achievement. however, it could be a senility while powerful people living in the small city are busy with all kinds of relaxation. it leads to a conclusion that a fierce tiger could be removed all the power by rearing in pens so we young people should struggle for our lives.
the second reason i prefer large cities could be list as that they share much more entertainment than small ones. there can be found so many amusement buildings on both sides of the road when you walk down the big city's street. such as KTV, SPORTS club, which aree loved by most young men and women, citizens could join these clubs with their friends during weekends, which improves the quality of the whole life. comparably, people in the small cities have no means of having fun instead of staying home to watch TV or playing computer games which lead to lots of physical problems like eye problem and headache. in my opinion, young people especially man should have a strong body to defend much pressure from society and to support his wife and children. 
admittedly, there are still some benefits in the small cities, such as its fresh air and easy access to the nature, whereas some problems like air pollution or noise pollution in large cities could not be erased.however if our government spares no effort to solve these problems, the disadvantages brought form advance of city  could be replaced in someday. considered all the aspects i mentioned, during my golden age, i must stay in the big city to fight for enterprise, however, emigrating to small cities could also be taken into account when i get older
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