GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Danny_295
Laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE174"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places"。题目讨论法律灵活性的问题。法律的制定以及执行过程中面对不同需要(稳定、全面、可行性等)以及各种新的情况。过分固定或灵活都是不实际的,所以肯定需要寻找一个平衡点。因为涉及的是比较抽象的话题,所以在论述过程中务必把论点阐述清晰并给出充足论证,回避假大空的问题。同时需要注意题目给出的“不同环境、时间和地点”的提示,要把思路放开。
1. 法律在制定和通过的实施过程是怎样的,除了法律本身,在执法过程中还有哪些相关因素?
回答: 法律通过社会生活中已有的经验,由权力机关提出、审议、通过,应当保障大多数人的利益。在执行过程中,还会受到执法者素质、状态、手段等因素的影响。比如在一些案件中由于执法者在采证等方面的失误造成法律无法执行约束力,例如辛普森一案
2. 现有的法律是否能兼顾不同的环境、时间、地点?如果不能,漏洞在哪里?是否有其他方式可以对法律的漏洞进行弥补?
回答: 不能。法律起作用需要的是直接证据和证据间的完好的衔接,而每个案件都有自己的特殊性,案件中的当事人(包括嫌疑人、受害者、纠纷双方等)不会有专业的意识去保护证据链的完整,这就必须要执法者具有高素质和责任心
3. 如果法律僵化固定一成不变,会有什么后果?有没有过相关的事例?
回答: 可能会使得在道义上、人心中的正义和邪恶得不到法理上的人们所期望的判决。例如辛普森杀妻案
4. 如果法律十分灵活,和原有的状态相比有什么优缺点?
回答: 那么法律可能不会放过一个坏人,但也有可能去冤枉一个好人。因为这个“灵活度”根本没有一个统一的标准或程序
5. 颁布法律的目的是什么?
回答: 是去建立一套公开公正公平的程序和准则,通过这个具有公信力的程序来约束人们行为的最低底线
The claim that laws should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places evokes some discussion recently.Since law is a standard and a kind of criterion that opening to everyone, some advocates that it should not be changed even under the most dangerous circumstances.I agree with such an opinion that when a law is generated which means an agreement on a certain issue has been reached, then it should not be inflexible to everyone and under any situation.However, when this standard is producing, it should take accont of as more circumsstances as possible. Some says that law is a program that restrict people's behavior rather than a criterion that judge people's behavior.Circumstances is various, and changes unpredictable,thus, a law is only available to ensure the "righteousness in procedure", but not the "righteousness in moral".As we all know, the famous "simpson case" is a prototype that when all the evidences indicated that simpson will undoubtfully be the killer, his lawyer found a crucial mistake in that evidence-chain that the judge had to release him.Although almost everyone believes that he is the one, the law has to accord to its programs and rules.In another word, if the judge can give the laweven  a little flexibility by the will of the people, the law would not be available anymore.Thus, the law has to be recret when it is made use of. Nevertheless, a law is far more flexible in proportion to be made.It has to consider almost every situation by which to make the law considerable available and reasonable.For instance, the suffarage of women was a definitely new issue at that time and the institution has to account for this new trend.Furthermore, there has always been emergencies that a law can not sustain such as a sudden war.In the world war II, president Roosevelt changed the law of independence in time when America was assaulted by Japan, by which American can fight for their countries legally.Moreover, as the development of the modern society,it displays a divergence of new problems, especially when technology is improving in a remarkable accelerating.Apparently, new laws are called for to handle these problems. In conclusion, a law is a standard that restrict everyone's behavior and a program that no one can break.To account for more cincumstances, it has to be well-considered when it is producing, but once it is generated, it should not remain any flexibility.
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