GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kidelf
The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE142原题。题目讨论社会繁荣问题,题目认为社会繁荣的增强与公民对权威的质疑相关。本题和老GRE中的ISSUE105--"The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from it's own citizens"有相似之处。在分析的过程中,可以从社会繁荣的体现、民众对权威提出质疑的目的和形式、权威本身的职责以及对待民众质疑的应有态度、权威与民众互动的过程和社会繁荣之间的关系等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举三个国家的发展情况,简述并对比那些国家里的民众对权威的态度。
回答: 美国是世界上唯一的第一世界国家,其经济社会发展水平都是全球最高的。由于其三权分立的政治制度,民众对权威的态度非常严格,容不得政府和公职人员有丝毫懈怠渎职行为。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,由于法律体制不健全和政治体制的限制,民众对权威的态度暧昧不清,在很多方面是有质疑之名没有质疑之实。而在朝鲜,民众对权威绝对服从。
2. 民众对权威的质疑为一个社会的繁荣给予了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 1、能让民众更多地参与国家民主事务和政策决策,促进社会和谐发展; 2、检举政府部门的腐败、渎职等行为; 3、促进社会公平与团结。
3. 权威受到民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 权威受到的质疑会促进自己得到更好的监督,更加自律,更有效率地完成自己的工作,更好地服务社会。 然而不恰当的质疑则会影响相关工作和社会发展。
4. 权威不接受民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: 不接受民众的质疑,弊病等不到改正,会越来越严重,到了积重难返的地步会对社会发展造成严重影响。 不接受不恰当的民众质疑,则政府正常功能不受干扰,不会影响社会发展。
5. 民众、权威、社会繁荣三者之间存在着怎样的关系?请举例并简述。
回答: 民众对权威的恰当质疑会促进社会繁荣,反之,对权威的不恰当质疑则会阻碍社会繁荣。 社会繁荣在一定程度上也会反推权威接受更多的民众监督与质疑。
6. 除了“许多民众开始质疑权威”,哪些其他情况同样可以提升社会的繁荣?这些情况和“许多民众开始质疑权威”相比,在提升社会繁荣的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 权威的自我反省和自律也可以帮助提升社会繁荣。权威的内部提高的社会成本更低,对社会秩序的影响也更小。
I agree that when people question the authority, the well-being of society will be somewhat improved. The writer unnecessarily generalizes the importance of the feedback from people to the authority. The writer claims that questioning from citizen call always bring positive impact to society under every circumstance. However, the truth is that only if the questioning is appropriate and justified can the well-being of society be enhanced while inappropriate and hostile questioning may cause troubles disturbing social order. We can conclude that the government and the authority should be open to justified questioning and punish those ill-proposed feedback. When questioning from the public comes with positive motivation, the society will witness some benefits which help strengthen the well-being. Global modernization also brought most of the countries around the world democracy. The public are having more and more opportunities to offer their feedback and question the authority. Firstly, being part of the country's political life, people have the right to discuss some certain issue with the authority and present their praise as well as criticism. These feedback in turn enable the government to make some improvement. Secondly, with the intensification of the polarization between the poor and the rich, the acceptance of questioning from both the underclass and upper class can somewhat help promote social fairness. Besides, to accept people's supervision can prevent the society development from corruption, graft and abuse of power. For example, ex-chief security officer Zhou Yongkang has been detained for corruption just because of public tips-off. China's recent cracks down on abuse of power and graft are also result of the public's endeavor. People's questioning ends up impetus to an honest and upright society. Ignorance of public supervision which happened a lot in modern countries, especially in democratic administration, could result in massive political price. To fight against the government’s apathies, people always gather together to demonstrate or strike to show their pros and cons. The indifference to the public’s desire to express their idea on certain issue often lead to serious social problems which impact economic development or government officials’ resignations. Being open to criticism from the public does not mean acceptance without distinction. Those so called questioning with malicious intentions always turned out to be calumniation. The discussion on social issues are often bond with different interest group that may participate in with certain intentions. That is what the authority should pay more attention to. Unjustified questioning may disturb social order and threaten the prosperity of the country.To wrap up, the authority should make a clear distinction before make decision whether to take some questioning or criticism from the public. The relationship between people, authority and the well-being of society is a complicated one. Appropriate questioning from people can help the authority enhance the well-being of society, inappropriate questioning could produce negative impact to the healthy development of the country. The authority should welcome people, especially those from underclass, to express their opinion on social issue. As to ill-proposed criticism, the government should punish with no mercy to ensure the normal functioning of society. 
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