GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王珑
Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE34"Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly workoriented society"。题目讨论选择专业的参考因素。可以考虑教育应当如何培养学生的问题,除了以后的工作以外,教育应当提供给学生什么样的价值观和理念。在分析的过程中,可以从教育培养学生是为了满足哪些要求、价值观对学生的作用、为工作而选择专业的意义、二者之间的关系以及利弊的对比等方面展开思考。
1. 为了赚钱而选择专业的方式,对于学生的学习、生活和工作都有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 为了赚钱而选择专业的方式,对于学生的学习上来说,比较功利化,不是因为个人兴趣爱好而学习,而是使得教育变成通过标准化考试获得认证的一种工具,这种教育的结果目的在与获得世俗的成功,比如发财或得到一个较好的社会地位。
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为某项工作做好了准备,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 今天的教育,一方面,渗入了商业精神塑造的理性标准,如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为某项工作做好了准备,就会导致实用、功利和自私重新成为我们的价值理念标准,我们在强调权利的同时忘却了责任和义务。另一方面,摒弃了传统高尚道德的追求,教育不再讲求友爱、正义和共通。
3. 除了为工作做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 除了工作准备需要的专业知识以外,大学阶段,学生应该锻炼独立思考能力,创造力,团队合作精神,良好的交际能力,自学能力,体育运动能力,艺术修养等。独立思考能力和自学能力能让我们在工作中遇到困难时候能自己学习思考解决;团队合作能力能让我们在工作中更好的合作解决问题;良好的交际能力能使我们在工作中与同事,领导的关系比较融洽。虽然有些能力如创造力,运动能力,艺术修养等不一定对工作起作用,但是培养这些能力对我们以后的生活都是有帮助的。
4. 在工作中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
5. 教育机构应该对学生的学习和发展起到怎样的引导作用?都应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
 The educational institution provides a wide varity of professionals for the society,imporve the citizens comprehensive quality,and foster necessary essential talents for the society and economic play an important role in the development and inheritance of culture .The issue of educational institution should encourage students learn the knowledge which will good to their job,it's a very controversial  problem.Although many people believe that this is beneficial for the individual development,but i would claim that such proposal is adversely.It has more disadvantages than advantages.
   .The reason for this are as follows.For the students,learn the field which will be easy to get a profitable job is not good for their personal development.It will make the students learn what they are not interested in.furthermore,It cause the education become a tool through standardized test for people to get a certification.This kind of education's purpose lie in to attain a worldly success,like get rich and obtain a better social class.So,if we let the studetns learn what they are interested in and at the same time give them some moral and culture classes,that will not only beneficial for their future job,but also help students to became a nobility person.
   Additional,guide students to learn courses in order to reach a better occupation.This is narrow view for the society.because of the students graduated from university like that way will be so worldy,only want to chaseing wealth  and hign social status.This would lead our society become more venality,people wolud only care about how much material they will acquired from the society,and pay less intention to morality.So there would form an evil atmosphere in our society.people forget what is the moral and be more selffishness.For example,nowadays when people looking for a job,see the salary as most important factor,whether or not he or she really like to do the job.
  To sum up,we would not ask the students learn the fields that wiil prepre for them for lucrative careers.We should let the students study what they interested in and only in this way are we able to let students learn more efficient and not fell boring about the courses.on the other hand,this would make people have a high morality and imporve citizens qulity.So we could build a more harmonious society and make a better feature for our descendents.
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