GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:偏执狂.
In order to become well-rounded individuals, all college students should be required to take courses in which they read poetry, novels, mythology, and other types of imaginative literature. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE14"It is necessary for everyone to read poetry, novels, mythology and other types of imaginative literature"。题目讨论想象类文学对大学生成长的必要性问题。因为涉及的是很笼统的概念,所以可以通过确定“大学生成为多才多艺的人有哪些需求”、“这些需求可以被哪些方式满足”以及“这些方式是否是唯一”等内容,逐层把问题剥开,最终指向“想象”的概念。
1. 想象类文学作品和其他文学作品想比,有什么共性和个性?请结合具体文学作品进行对比并简述。
回答: 想象类文学作品更注重于originality.可以激发读者的想象力和创造力,不拘泥于现实和历史。与其他作品相比也属于文学作品。比如童话故事中会飞的人物,peter pan 激发了人们发明飞机的想法。而其他文学作品,如历史类,更多的是还原事实,传播事实,或向读者阐述自己的想法和理解。
2. 读想象类文学的有什么好处?可以满足人们哪些需求?这些需求中,哪些是其他行为不能满足人们的?请举例并简述。
回答: 想象类文学可以激发读者的想象力和创造力,不拘泥于现实和历史。可以满足人们对于不同维度世界的想象和猜想。而这些是其他文学作品所不能满足的。
3. 如果剥夺所有人去读想象类文学的权利,后果会怎样?请简单描述。
回答: 人们的生活将会变得枯燥无味,失去创造力和想象的空间,而世界上创新发明也会减少,最终减缓了人类社会前进的脚步。
4. 是否“每个人”都需要看想象类文学作品?你知道不知道有不读想象类文学作品的人?他们的情况如何?请举例并简述。
回答: 并不是所有人都需要想象类作品,这类作品的阅读要根据个人喜好和专业方向而定。如果理论物理学家不喜欢阅读想象类作品,他们就不需要。因为他们的专业领域并没有对于虚构型想象的要求。而其他领域的人,比如画家,小说家,设计师,广告创意人,就需要阅读想象类作品来激发其灵感,并创造出更多的东西。
5. 参加相关课程和使大学生成为多才多艺的人之间有什么关系?
回答: 或许在一定程度上相关课程可以使大学生扩充其见闻和提升其想象力,但是此类作品的阅读和课程参与应该由大学生自己依照自己的喜好决定。
When we trace back to the history of human civilization, the imaginative literature has played a significant role in every culture. It not only fulfills people's fancy envision, but also encourage people to think through a creative mind and be more original. In fact, without these imagination, our world might not be so developed today. However, it is unreasonable and impractical for colleges to require students to take certain courses about imaginative literture. The choice of courses should be up to the students' academic fields and more crucial, to their own interests.
It is true that in certain academic fields, those imaginative literature could provide students with the opportunity to become a more well-rounded person. Moreover, it could imspire students' creativity and move them forward in their studies and careers. For instance, it is the description of people flying in the sky like Peter Pan that stimulate several scientists to created airplane; it is the imagination of people living in the sea in Anderson's famous work The Little Mermaid that stir people to build the submarine; it is the suspiction that there are creatures elsewhere in the universe in Jonson's novels that brings spacecraft to us. In a word, the progress of modern science and technology  should attribute to the imagniation that the  imaginative literature devoted.
Yet, there some fields that do not require creative mind and fancy dreams. Like theorical physics. In the field of physics, researchers deal with the natural essence of existed matters, such as mechanics, which do not invite creative mind, but the rigorous, earnest, and pramatical attitude. Newton did not create gravity, he discovered it; Mrs. Curie did not creatie radium, she found; Watt did not creatie steam. he put it into industrial use. The imaginative literature loses its magic in some specific fields that do not require imagination.
Nevertheless, although imaginative literature has different influences on the studenrts in different fields, it is still not a advisible policy for colleges to require students to take imaginative literature courses. As the saying goes, "interest is the best teacher", colleges should leave the choice of taking imaginative literature courses to the students themselves regardless of what academic fields are them from. Beside, taking imaginative literature courses is not the only source that would invit originality to our would. The originality is everywhere, only through a creative mind.
All in all, without the fancy dreams in the imaginative literature, our world would be much less interesting and more vapid, the science and technology might also not reach its current accomplishments. Even so, compulsory imaginative literature courses in college are undesirable and might even backfire. A more effective and democratic method should be taken by the colleges to encourage students' creativity and originality in certain academic fields.
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