GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:阮伟亮
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请列举任意三项伟大贡献或成就,并分析这些贡献和其所属领域中的过去成就之间有哪些联系。
回答: Personal computer Internet 电话 个人电脑 也称 个人计算机 最早是 用来进行 大规模计算的 大多是商业用途 离普通老百姓很遥远 但大型计算机 跟 个人计算机 构造原理是一样的 PC 只不过是将其小型化而已 Internet 的前身是 北美雷达防御系统 后来 一位欧洲科学家 发明了 Internet 这两者都是 系统 只不过一个是军用 一个是民用 电话 是贝尔 发明的 是通讯领域中的重大发明 之前人们用写信 发电报 传递信息 电话就是 用一根线将通话的双方 连接起来 实现信息的传递 本质是一样的
2. 是否存在这样的情况:某人从未没有涉足过某领域,但却作出了对该领域发展有重大意义的贡献?如果有,请举例并分析贡献是如何作出的,与哪些其他因素或人物相关。
回答: 摩根 没参加二战 但却为美国赢得二战 做出了重大贡献 摩根 摩根士丹利 摩根大通银行 的创始人之一 美国人 是这么评价他的 是他将英国的资本引入了美国 建立了完整的工业体系 为美国赢得二战 打下了坚实的物质基础 补充: 经济学领域的经济增长理论的创立,这些理论都基于之前的经济学发展的理论 比如 凯恩斯的宏观经济学(Keynesian economics),该影响方面包括Parameter的选取,和公式的变化. 流水线的开展是基于分工理论Adam Smith的分工理论.(foresaw the essence of industrialism by determining that division of labour represents a qualitative increase in productivity. His example was the making of pins.)流水线正是工人之间的分工.
3. 在一个领域中的成就会对之后在该领域的发展以及行为和思考产生哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 郭德纲 现在已经是中国知名相声演员 他使得中国的老百姓重新喜欢听相声 觉得相声好听 他解决了相声的生存问题 对青年演员如何发展相声这门传统艺术起到了积极的作用。
4. 过去的成就对新贡献有哪些影响?这些影响是否是不可替代的?如果是,请说明原因;如果不是,请给出替代过去成就的事物。
回答: 过去的成就会成为新贡献的基础。不是 二战时 坦克是陆地之王 衡量一个国家的军事实力 就看拥有坦克数量的多少 但现在的战争中 坦克已经逐渐的被其他武器所代替 海湾战争中 一架A-10 攻击机 一次就歼灭了 100辆左右的坦克 所以说飞机已取代坦克 成为 现代战争中的重要力量
Coincidental with the new things invented is the development of technology. In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.      There is relationship between the great contribution or accomplishment and the past achievements in that field. A good example of this is the personal computer. In the early time, the computer is used to calculate in large scale, which is mostly used in the business. The computer is far from the common persons. Until the personal computer is invented, the computer goes into the life of common people. But the basic rules are the same between the business computer and the personal computer. The personal computer is only a small one of the business computer.        Although the past achievement has effect on the new contribution and is the basement of new contribution, the effect is not irreplaceable. In World War two, the tank is the king of land war. Evaluating the standard标准 a nation's military ability is the number of tanks it owns. However, in the modern war, the tank is replaced by the plane thoroughly彻底地. In the gulf war, one A-10 plane destroyed hundred tanks at one time.       The achievement of one area could influence the development, action and idea in this area. Guo Degang presents a case for this. Guo Denggang, an actor of Chinese talk show, makes the Chinese common people willing to listen to the Chinese talk show again and feel the Chinese talk show interesting. He makes the Chinese talk show popular in China. In realty, this Chinese traditional art is facing the extinction. Because of Guo Degang, many young actors choose this kind of are and make the Chinese talk show boom again.         Although some persons that it is not impossible, in any field of endeavor, to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field, I think that in any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.  

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